This story was first published in the Davis College NewsCenter. See the original article here.
Alicia Thomas, an experienced horticulturist, has been named an assistant professor of practice within Texas Tech University's Department of Plant & Soil Science, according to Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources officials. She officially stepped into her new post on Jan. 1.
“It is my passion to continue building and improving upon the department's Principles of Horticulture course and instilling a love for agriculture and the environment in every student who passes through” Thomas said. “I intend to make the online version of Principles of Horticulture an equivalent to its in-person counterpart and provide an educational experience that our distance students deserve.”
One of her long-term goals is to bring horticultural therapy to West Texas and help improve the population's mental and physical health with the use of plants.
Prior to joining Texas Tech faculty, Thomas served as a senior lecturer of horticulture, instructor of horticulture, and teaching/research assistant within the Tech's Department of Plant & Soil Science. She is a member of the American Horticultural Therapy Association, Texas Nursery Landscape Association, and the American Society for Horticultural Science.
Thomas received her doctorate in plant and soil science and her master's degree in horticulture from Texas Tech. Her bachelor's degree in biology is from Lubbock Christian University. In addition, she is a horticultural therapy certificate holder. Recent honors include the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources Advisor Award (2021).
Texas Tech's Department of Plant and Soil Science is a comprehensive academic unit, conducting research and offering coursework and programs in several areas of plant and soil science. It has more than 30 full-time faculty members, and a student body consisting of approximately 179 undergraduate and 141 graduate students. Some of those students are enrolled in the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources distance education program.