Texas Tech University

Scott Longing, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Entomology

Email: scott.longing@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-1965

Texas Tech University
Bayer Plant Science Building, Room 112C
2911 15th Street
Box 42122

PSS Entomology Lab

Scott Longing


Dr. Scott Longing received his B.S. degree from Arkansas Tech University in 1996, his M.S. degree from the University of Arkansas in 2001, and his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech University in 2006.  He joined the Department in 2012 as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Entomology.  Dr. Longing recently held postdoctoral positions with the Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the Arkansas Water Resources Center at the University of Arkansas.

Research Interests

Overall research interests involve the assessment, conservation and restoration of insect biodiversity, with a focus on species occupying ecosystems of the southern U.S.


  • PSS 2401 - Intro to Entomology
  • PSS 5307 - Pesticides

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