Texas Tech University

Soil Management | Graduate Certificate Program


The 12-hour* Graduate Certificate in Soil Management allows potential soil scientists to obtain the required number of college soils credit hours required by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and have a tangible certificate to indicate that the individual has the requisite education.

* For those seeking this certification to satisfy requirements by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one additional 3-hour course is needed because NRCS requires 15 credit hours.


Course Frequency Prerequisite Distance Offering
PSS 5331 Advanced Plant Nutrient Management Annually Pre-req PSS 2432 or consent of instructor Yes
PSS 5335 Soil Physics Annually None Yes
PSS 5336 Soil Mineralogy Biennially None Yes


Course Frequency Prerequisite Distance Offering
PSS 5330 Advanced Environment Soil Chemistry Annually Pre-req PSS 2432 or consent of instructor Yes
PSS 5327 Advanced Forage Science Biennially PSS 3321 or consent of Instructor Yes
PSS 5334 Soils and Crops in Arid Lands Biennially None Yes
PSS 5337 Advanced Soil Classification Biennially None Yes
PSS 6331 Advanced Environmental Soil Science Annually Pre-req PSS 2432 or consent of instructor Yes
PSS 6432 Advanced Soil Microbial Ecology Biennially Intro Biology/Micro Biology & PSS2432 or consent of Instructor No

Course Rotations



The graduate advisor for the Soil Management Graduate Certificate Program is Dr. Sanjit Deb.


While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in reporting courses, policies and other statements, the University reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.