Texas Tech University

National Science Foundation (NSF) Expands Mandatory Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) Program Requirements to Include Faculty

TTU’s Responsible & Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) program is changing to meet new NSF requirements. Beginning with new NSF proposals submitted or due on July 31st 2023 or later, faculty and other senior personnel supported by NSF to conduct research will be required to participate in TTU’s RECR program, along with their staff and trainees.

To meet these new NSF requirements, TTU is developing an RECR program for faculty and senior personnel. This program, delivered via TTU’s Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) website, will focus on researchers’ responsibilities for ethical peer review, mentorship, and protection of intellectual property. Because of these foci identified by NSF, previous CITI RCR Training completed at TTU or other institutions will not fulfill NSF’s new requirements for faculty and senior personnel. Training can be accessed here:. CITI - Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (citiprogram.org). To fulfill NSF’s training requirement, faculty must complete one of the Responsible Scholarship Courses under “Question 1”. Click Here for Instructions for Creating a CITI account and selecting an appropriate course. 

Our new CITI resources will meet NSF’s minimum expectations. All faculty and senior personnel are encouraged to incorporate mentoring and mentorship into their own professional development and to mentor their trainees to seek educational opportunities that enhance their understanding of research responsibilities and ethics and build their skills to make responsible research decisions. Questions about the new NSF requirements and planned RECR resources can be directed to Marianne Evola, Director of Responsible Research.