Rules for Student iThenticate Use
- As of 31 August 2023, Graduate students are no longer permitted to have independent
User Accounts for iThenticate.
For Graduate Students sharing Faculty iThenticate Accounts: - Graduate students are only permitted to scan their own work (i.e., their own manuscript, thesis, dissertation, or grant proposal).
- Graduate students should not repeatedly scan the same document, making only minor modifications between scans. This can contribute to mosaic plagiarism.
- Graduate students are not permitted to scan the work of others. This means that you cannot use iThenticate to scan work for friends or colleagues inside or outside of TTU. If you are not a creator/author/contributor of a document, do not scan it.
- For Graduate students that are teaching undergraduate courses, iThenticate cannot be used to scan the work of undergraduate students in their classes. The “Safe Assign” software in Blackboard is the appropriate tool for scanning undergraduate coursework.
- Graduate students are expected to use the software efficiently and conservatively. Wasteful use of iThenticate is not permitted.
Graduate students must enter their name under Author so that their faculty mentor can monitor their usage of the faculty account.
Graduate students are not permitted to “trash” documents that they scan so that their faculty mentor can monitor their scans.
Office of Research & Innovation
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Box 41075 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3905 -