Texas Tech University

Faculty Ambassador

Tim Dallas

Tim Dallas, PhD is an Associate Dean of the Graduate School and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Texas Tech University. As Associate Dean, he oversees internal and external graduate fellowship programs. His research group develops MEMS-based education and research tools. He established Class on a Chip, Inc. to commercialize an array of MEMS devices for education and research. He established a new class, Technology Start-up Lab, which takes engineering students through the initial steps of commercializing their own technologies. He serves on a number of campus commercialization committees. Dr. Dallas received a BA in Physics from the University of Chicago and a MS and PhD in Physics from Texas Tech. He worked as a Technology and Applications Engineer for ISI Lithography and was a post-doc in Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas. He is the faculty advisor to a number of campus organizations, deacon and Sunday school teacher at his church, and a youth baseball coach. He is married with four kids.