Hub City Spokes features local creators, catalysts, and entrepreneurs discussing startup opportunities and advantages
The latest season of podcasts produced by the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance revolves around the West Texas entrepreneurship ecosystem that's connected to the Texas Tech Innovation Hub. All seven episodes in the second season of the Hub City Spokes series feature startup entrepreneurs; their developing ventures; and why they say the Hub City, Lubbock, is a great place for launching and growing businesses.
Partners for Innovation and Startups
Kristie Caviness, LEDA's director of marketing and communication, says the idea for this season's theme started with a conversation LEDA's President and CEO had with one of the Texas Tech Accelerator Program graduates. "John Osborne told me he wanted us to do a podcast on NemaLife," she says. "He was extremely impressed with their cutting-edge technology and partnership with NASA. So we contacted Kimberly Gramm (Texas Tech Associate Vice President of Innovation and Entrepreneurship) and talked about doing that." NemaLife and its CEO, Dr. Siva Vanapalli, are the focus of Episode 4 in this podcast season. Caviness adds, "That led us to look into interviewing other people involved with the Innovation Hub who could help us shine a light on the entrepreneurial community. There are so many compelling startup stories and lots of activity here that we want everyone to know about. As our boss often says, 'Lubbock is open for business.' I think that's at the center of our partnership with the Texas Tech Innovation Hub."
Big Impact
Gramm and Cara Wells, CEO of startup EmGenisys, are featured in LEDA's new podcast season's first episode. They discuss the successes they have been a part of within the Hub. They also talk about how encouragement, opportunities, and the resources offered here help researchers and other entrepreneurs build startups that create impact. You can watch the video of that episode by clicking on the box below.
Katherine White, LEDA's media relations and communications manager, is the host for this season's Hub City Spokes episodes. She says while download data show the series is reaching a wide audience across the state and beyond, it's also having an impact locally. "I think it's important for business recruiting from elsewhere. It's important for everyone in Lubbock to see that our community supports entrepreneurship, too. It provides what's needed to nurture and grow that. And I think the entire series shows there's so much more to love about Lubbock than most people are aware of."
Highlighting Hustle
White says the podcasts highlight the hustle mentality of all the innovators featured this season. "They're talking about something that is such an integral part of their life. So much passion is there," she says. Caviness agrees. "The work ethic and climate of innovation here are phenomenal. The basis of our area is a pioneering spirit. Entrepreneurship grows best in a pioneering environment," she says.
All of the Hub City Spokes podcasts are available for download. They're posted on LEDA's website and are being featured individually on social media platforms over the next several months.
Here's a list of this season's episodes:
Episode 1: Kimberly Gramm and Cara Wells with TTU Innovation Hub and EmGenisys
Episode 2: David Weindorf with Department of Plant & Soil Science
Episode 3: Carder Brooks and Cole Seifert with Gap Peptides
Episode 4: Siva Vanapalli with NemaLife
Episode 5: John Smothers with Reproductive Solutions, Inc.
Episode 6: Magdalena Rakowska with Envirostatus
Episode 7: Riley Barrett with Caprock Custom Apps