We're kicking off the showcase with a poster session to highlight recently funded Strategic Research Initiatives. Learn about the research happening on campus in our Strategic Research Themes, meet new faculty and discuss opportunities to collaborate.
April 24 will feature a day of national security panels, with experts from federal agencies invited to discuss research in power grid and infrastructure security, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, combustion and energetics, and food safety and security.
This event is open to agency representatives and Texas Tech faculty and staff.
April 23
5:30 PM
Kick-off Networking Reception & Poster Session
National Ranching Heritage Center
3121 4th St, Lubbock, TX 79409
Highlighting Funded Strategic Research Initiatives
April 24
8 AM
Registration & Breakfast
National Ranching Heritage Center
Informal networking
8:30 AM
Welcome & Keynote Speaker
Speaker: Alan Carr
Senior Historian, Los Alamos National Laboratory
National Ranching Heritage Center
10:00 AM
Combustion Lab & Pulsed Power Lab Tours
Available to agency representatives only
12:00 PM
Lunch & GLEAMM Presentation
National Ranching Heritage Center
1:30 PM
Available to agency representatives only
3:00 PM
Breakout Panels
National Ranching Heritage Center
Panel 1: Food Security & Safety
Panel 2: Grid & Infrastructure Security
Panel 3: Cybersecurity & Artificial Intelligence
4:00 PM
Workforce Development Panel
National Ranching Heritage Center
5:15 PM
Cocktail Hour & Student Poster Session
National Ranching Heritage Center
5:45 PM
Dinner & Keynote Speaker
Speaker: Bryan Gray
Chief of Protective Security, DHS Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency,
Region 6
National Ranching Heritage Center
Office of Research & Innovation
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Box 41075 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3905 -