Texas Tech University

Practicum Application Procedures


Note: FALL 2025 applications are due April 7, 2025. 

A practicum experience at the SCC is available to graduate students in counseling, clinical, and educational psychology who have met the prerequisites. To apply, please follow the guidelines below to complete your application:

  1. Obtain permission from your departmental practicum supervisor
  2. Enroll in a departmental practicum course
  3. Submit SCC Practicum Application Form
  4. Submit a graduate transcript
  5. Submit a comprehensive vita that includes the following information for each previous practicum training site:
    • Type of practicum setting
    • Start and end date at each practicum site
    • Number of total hours at practicum site
    • Number of client contact hours at practicum site
    • Number of supervision hours at practicum site
    • Supervisor's name and contact information at practicum site
  6. Have your most recent clinical supervisor complete the "Recommendation Form."  
  7. Submit a cover letter to Dr. Kailah Glock, Interim Coordinator of Practicum Training that addresses the following:
    • Your expectations and goals for the practicum
    • Your strengths and growth edges as a counselor/therapist
    • Clinical areas in which you expect to focus/grow during practicum
    • Expectations of a supervisor and qualities that you look for in a supervisor
    • Any additional information that you think would be helpful in the application process.
  8. After your application has been received and you have been found eligible for a practicum placement at the SCC, you will be invited for a brief in-person interview.

If you are offered a position as a practicum student at the SCC and you accept this offer, you must provide proof of malpractice insurance for the semester you are completing practicum before you can begin working with clients.

No applications will be considered until ALL application materials are received. Applications for the Spring 2025 semester are due November 6, 2024.

Please email or mail completed applications to:

Kailah Glock, Ph.D.
Interim Coordinator of Practicum Training
Texas Tech University Student Counseling Center
Box 45008
Lubbock, TX 79409-5008
Phone (806) 742-3674

Reviewed 01/13/23


Student Counseling Center