Texas Tech University

Faculty Andragogical Scholarship Research Focuses

Investigator Topic Involvement
Nichole Anderson Virtual Reality in the classroom for teaching livestock welfare American Society of Animal Sciences Animal Welfare Committee; PAACO-certified Swine Welfare Auditor
Elpida Artemiou Studies on clinical communication, One Health and benefits surrounding the Human Animal Bond (HAB), Mind-Body Stress Reduction (MBSR) and wellbeing, simulation-based teaching and learning, emerging technologies including the use of AI, and outcome assessments including establishing the role of simulated clients as raters in veterinary Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE). North America for the Council on International Veterinary Medical Education (CIVME); International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA); Academic Veterinary Educators; International Association for Medical Education Europe (AMEE); International Conference on Communication in Veterinary Medicine (ICCVM)
Betsy Charles Development of hybrid models for content delivery that include flipping the classroom, digital resources, “rounds” in the classroom; Case based approaches to teaching radiology, creating and assessing leadership training in veterinary medicine AVMA, American College of Veterinary Radiology; American Association of Equine Practitioners; Veterinary Leadership Institute; Advisory Board Washington State University College of Education
John Dascanio Creation and validation of clinical skills models, investigation of clinically based reproductive issues, and the use of new technologies in education American College of Theriogenologists; AVMA; American Association of Equine Practitioners; American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Equine); Distinguished Expert Academy of Veterinary Educators
Pippa Gibbons Creation and validation of clinical skills models, food animal and evidence-based medicine instruction models and small ruminant health and welfare; general veterinary education and retention of veterinarians in the workforce American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners; American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; American Association of Bovine Practitioners; American Veterinary Medical Association
Trista Mills Safety and efficacy of CBD in companion and equine animals; Best practices in teaching skills; Multi-purpose surgical model Texas Veterinary Medical Association, American Medical Veterinary Association
Joshua Rowe Molecular imaging in veterinary species and methods of tissue preservation; aspects of veterinary and anatomy education AVMA; American Association of Veterinary Anatomists; World Association of Veterinary Anatomists; American Association for Anatomy; International Association of Medical Science Educators
Bethany Schilling Studies on increasing emotional intelligence within the veterinary student population; admissions process; Professional skill development to help with retention, less burnout, and greater satisfaction in the profession Texas Veterinary Medical Association
Marcelo Schmidt Adult education; Assessment of student learning and data-use practices within educational organizations; Continuous organizational improvement; Business intelligence; Large language models Texas Veterinary Medical Association; American Educational Research Association
Kelly Williams Depression and suicide American Foundation for Suicide Prevention