What's New?
Congratulations to our School of Veterinary Medicine Graduate Students and Faculty who continually reach milestones and pioneer innovation in their fields and for our school. Well-earned recognition!
November 2024
Research & Innovation Awards
Project: Maternal supplementation of pea fiber to protect against obesity and hypertension
in offspring
Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Research Service
Co-PI:Dr. Michael Cruz Penn
Project: Evaluation of exhaled nitric oxide as a diagnostic tool in horses with asthma
Sponsor: American Quarter Horse Association
Co-PI:Dr. Emily Sundman
Project: Development of rapid diagnostic tools for detecting Taylorella equigenitalis, a causative
agent of Contagious Equine Metritis
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA, Inc.
Co-PI:Dr. Smriti Shringi
Project: Microbiome characterization of bacteria in equine synovial fluid from equine neonatal
and juvenile foals
Sponsor: American College of Veterinary Surgeons - ACVS
Previous Recognitions
Dr. Annelise Nguyen
She was recenlty inducted into the Nation Academy of Inventors. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!
Research & Innovation Awards
Project: Targeted Communication & Educational Training for Farm Animal Veterinarians and Students:
Enhancing Adherence to Postmortem Procedures.
Sponsor: United States Department of Ag
Recently Admitted Doctoral Candidates:
Andrew Crocker
Mentor: Dr. Ryan Williams
Sumon Sarkar
Mentor: Dr. Jon Thompson
Hanin Diab
Mentor: Dr. Jon Thompson
Contact Us
Office of Research and Graduate Programs:
Phone Number: 806.742.3595
Email: svm.research.gradstudies@ttu.edu
School of Veterinary Medicine
7671 Evans Drive, Amarillo, Texas 79106 -
806.742.3200 -