Texas Tech University

What's New?

Congratulations to our School of Veterinary Medicine Graduate Students and Faculty who continually reach milestones and pioneer innovation in their fields and for our school. Well-earned recognition!

November 2024

Research & Innovation Awards

Project: Maternal supplementation of pea fiber to protect against obesity and hypertension in offspring
Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Research Service


Project: Evaluation of exhaled nitric oxide as a diagnostic tool in horses with asthma
Sponsor: American Quarter Horse Association


Project: Development of rapid diagnostic tools for detecting Taylorella equigenitalis, a causative agent of Contagious Equine Metritis
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA, Inc.


Project: Microbiome characterization of bacteria in equine synovial fluid from equine neonatal and juvenile foals
Sponsor: American College of Veterinary Surgeons - ACVS

Previous Recognitions


Dr. Annelise Nguyen

She was recenlty inducted into the Nation Academy of Inventors. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!


Research & Innovation Awards

Project: Targeted Communication & Educational Training for Farm Animal Veterinarians and Students: Enhancing Adherence to Postmortem Procedures.
Sponsor: United States Department of Ag


Recently Admitted Doctoral Candidates:

Andrew Crocker

Andrew Crocker
Mentor: Dr. Ryan Williams

Sumon Sarkar

Sumon Sarkar
Mentor: Dr. Jon Thompson

Hanin Diab

Hanin Diab
Mentor: Dr. Jon Thompson

Contact Us

Office of Research and Graduate Programs:
Phone Number: 806.742.3595
Email: svm.research.gradstudies@ttu.edu