Texas Tech University

Brian Garibay, M.Ed.

Senior Academic Advisor
University Advising

Email: brian.garibay@ttu.edu

Brian is originally from Hale Center, Texas, has his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and his M.Ed. in Secondary Education from Texas Tech University. Brian has been with the TTU System for a total of 10 years and has held positions within the TTU Library, TTUHSC and in the TTU Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. In addition to his experience in higher education, Brian has worked in the non-profit sector.  In his spare time, Brian enjoys spending time with his niece and nephews, watching any sort of reality TV and supporting all TTU Athletic events.  As an advisor, Brian enjoys getting to know students as individuals and helping them not only see, but reach their potential.  Brian enthusiastically coaches and motivates students to meet their academic goals.

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