Summer Classes
Summer classes at TTU run on a slightly compressed term. Summer lasts for 10 weeks at TTU. We divide the summer into two parts, aptly named Summer 1 and Summer 2. Courses can run for either of these 5-week terms or they can run the full summer term (10 weeks). Courses meet in person (typically 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for either Summer 1 or Summer 2) or they are asynchronous online. Check that you know how the course is scheduled before you register. Summer grades count for academic standing, so make certain to check with your academic advisor before registering. You can find the summer schedule of classes on Raiderlink.
University Advising
Texas Tech University, 347 Drane Hall, Box 41038, Lubbock, TX, 79409-1038 -
806.742.2189 -