Letters of Recommendation and Evaluations
What is the difference between a letter of recommendation and an evaluation?
A letter of recommendation is a signed letter mailed to LSAC by your recommender. An evaluation is a questionnaire completed online by the evaluator to rate applicants on noncognitive attributes and skills related to success in law school and the legal profession. (information found at lsac.org)
Who Should I Choose to write Letters of Recommendation/Evaluations and Why?
It is very important to choose recommendation/evaluation writers carefully. Along with your personal statement, your letters of recommendation/evaluations are the items in your application that say the most about who you are and what you will contribute to your law school.
- They can put your transcript into context (e.g., explain what a "B" in their class means),
- Highlight your strengths (e.g., writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills),
- Emphasize your personal qualities (e.g., persistence, empathy, etc.)
- They can emphasize your personal qualities
- Confirm your achievements
- Confirm your commitment of time and energy
- Highlight other successes relevant to success in law school.
Who should not write your letters/evaluations?
- High school teachers - High school teachers should not write letters of recommendation unless you have done recent work with them.
- 'Influential' people - Be careful of selecting influential people, especially judges or politicians unless they know you (not your parents or family) personally.
- It will not be beneficial to have any individual write a letter of recommendation if they are unable to express anything unique or profound that is not evident in your application packet.
How to request letters of recommendation/evaluations
- Think about the relevance of your experience with the writer, not his/her status.
- Select the appropriate number of people to ask.
- Notify your letter writers 3-5 weeks in advance of the time the letters should be sent.
- Make an appointment to talk with the prospective writer. Bring the following to the
- A copy of your law school resume
- Good examples of past papers / writing samples for the writer
- A copy of your personal statement
- Depending on how you want the LOR submitted you could bring either of the following
with you to the meeting:
- Stamped envelopes to:
- Law School Admission Council
662 Penn Street
Box 8508
Newtown, PA 18940-8508 - A Letter of Recommendation Form from your LSAC account
- Law School Admission Council
- A copy of the email address from which the electronic request to submit the LOR will be sent (lsacinfo@lsac.org) to ensure that the request is not sent to junk mail.
- Stamped envelopes to:
- A time-line for when the letter should be mailed
- If your recommender hasn't written a LOR before, this document might help guide them
- Follow up with a thank you note 1-2 weeks later
For more information on Letters of Recommendation and Evaluations, please visit www.lsac.org
A Guide for Writing Law School Recommendations
University Advising
Texas Tech University, 347 Drane Hall, Box 41038, Lubbock, TX, 79409-1038 -
806.742.2189 -