Texas Tech University

Excelling in Academics

If you are considering attending law school, it is essential that you maintain a high GPA. Your GPA is one of the main aspects of your application that admissions committees consider. Having a lower GPA does not mean you won't get accepted into law school, but it will limit your selection of where to attend. Sometimes a higher LSAT score can cushion a lower GPA, but a high GPA cannot always cushion a low LSAT score.

When applying to law school, make sure to include ALL transcripts to your LSAC account, including transfer and dual credit from your time in high school. LSAC will then generate your new GPA which also includes grade replacement course grades and summer classes. Typically, a student's GPA will appear lower on their law school applications. This is expected and nothing to stress too much over. All students applying will most likely see the same change.

Throughout your undergraduate career, take challenging courses that will prepare you for the rigorousness of law school. Form strong, professional relationships with your professors by visiting their office hours and actively engaging in class. These relationships may prove beneficial when you need a letter of recommendation for your law school application.

What classes will help me as a PreLaw student?

  • Try to enroll in courses that will improve your writing, reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and analytical thinking skills. Success on the LSAT and in law school relates to these skills.