Registration Help
Select Your Classes
Make A List
Use Degree Works to determine what classes are required for your major. If you are exploring majors, use the What-if feature in Degree Works or simply make your list from core requirements.
Build Possible Schedules
Use Schedule Builder to see possible options for the classes you selected. Save options in My Favorites. Build 2-3 schedules and save those.
Save Registration Options
Once you have a few schedules built, you can save those as Plans in the Registration site. Go to Plan Ahead and enter the courses you selected; save each of your Favorites from Schedule Builder as a separate plan in Plan Ahead. At Registration time, you can simply log back in to Plan Ahead, select your preferred plan, and register for all courses at once.
Register for Classes
Class Registration
Use Raiderlink to to register for classes. For a tutorial video on how to register using for classes using RaiderLink click the video below.
Registration Errors
Sometimes, you will receive an error message when you register. Pay attention to which error message you receive. Common errors and solutions are below.
Prerequisite and Test Score
A Prerequisite is a requirement (requisite) that you need before (pre) you can enroll in a course. This error means the system does not believe you have met the requirements for this course. It may be that you need to take the Math Placement Exam or the Chemistry Placement Exam (or that we just need the scores to upload). It may also mean that we do not have all your academic transcripts on file that show college credit for a prerequisite course.
You can check prerequisites in the TTU Course Catalog (hyperlink this) or in DegreeWorks (hyperlink this). Get in touch with your advisor or email the teaching department if you believe you have satisfied the requirements for the course.
Linked Course Errror
This error appears if the course you are adding has an additional discussion and/or lab section tied directly to the lecture. It happens regularly with oral communications courses, science courses with a built-in lab (think ASTR 1400 or PSS 1411). You need to register for all CRNs related to that course at once.
Check Schedule Builder for the correct combination of CRNs (course registration numbers) that apply to that course. Add each one to your registration summary before clicking Submit. You can also view linked courses on Raiderlink here:
College Restriction
- This error means the course is restricted to students whose official major is within the teaching college. If you have submitted transfer paperwork to the college, check with that advising office for a special permit.
Major Restriction
- This error is similar to College Restriction and means you have attempted to register for a class held only for students in particular majors. If you have submitted transfer paperwork to the major, check with that advising office for a special permit.
University Advising
Texas Tech University, 347 Drane Hall, Box 41038, Lubbock, TX, 79409-1038 -
806.742.2189 -