Texas Tech University

Drafting Your Resume

General Information:

Read the application instructions carefully. You must follow the rules provided for form, length and content. Some schools will specifically request a resume. You will want your resume to be user friendly so that the reader may scan through in about 30 seconds and gain the information important to them.

  • We suggest including a resumé in your application package unless the application specifically expresses not to include a resumé.
  • Your resumé is an opportunity to describe your involvements in greater detail, while saving room in your personal statement for a stronger essay.
  • Be careful when using bold face, italics, and capitalization. You don't want to overload your resumé and make it difficult to read.
  • A general rule for most resumés is to use no more than three fonts. Your law school may have its own font requirements.



Always Put Education First!
Why? You are applying for entry into an institution of higher education.

You can also emphasize a strong major GPA (especially if your GPA is lower than their normal admissions standards).

List and describe college/academic honors you've received.

You may also emphasize classes that you have taken that show a background in law or have developed your writing and analytical thinking skills.


Your resumé should highlight relevant experiences including:

  • jobs or internships
  • summer programs
  • community service activities
  • research projects
  • skills such as writing, public speaking, and analytical thinking

Consider adding a short description about your work while at the job, organization, or experience

You could also use bullet points to help highlight your accomplishments or skill development therein.

It is important to explain your role so the reader will be able to imagine what type of work you've done. The best way to accomplish this is through real life examples.

Here is a Sample Resume intended only for reference.


Again, any involvement through an activity should shed light on your contributions and how they have helped shape your skills applicable to a law school student.

Include organizations in which you are a member and any offices or positions you held.
However, do not write "member" if you did not hold any office or position. Membership is implied by your listing the organization.


This is one of the best ways to distinguish you from other candidates. As the world economy continues to expand, a need for bilingual or multilingual professionals increases. You should only list languages that you are fluent and able to converse in.


Published articles show writing, research, and editing skills that are essential in law school.