Julie Morrow Memorial Endowed Graduate Fellowship
The Julie Morrow Memorial Endowment was established in 2003 by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morrow to provide scholarships to graduate students conducting research in the area of farm animal behavior and physiology with a special emphasis on pigs and cattle.
Dr. Morrow passed away January 5, 2003 in Lubbock. She was born on July 21, 1960 in Royal Oak, Michigan. She graduated from high school in Hinsdale, Illinois and received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Illinois in 1982. She received her Master of Science degree from the University of Nevada-Reno in 1985, and in 1988 she received her PhD. from Texas Tech University.
She was an animal research scientist in Texas Tech in 1988 and in 1989, she was a scientist for Pharmacia LEO Therapeutics in Malmo, Sweden. She returned the United States in 1989 and was a NIH Postdoctoral Fellow in Immunology at Boston University School of Medicine. In January 1991, Dr. Morrow was a Tartox Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, Department of Neurology. From September 1992 to February 1994, she was a research associate with USDA-ARS Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska and from there she went to West Lafayette, Indiana where she was the lead scientist in the Livestock Behavior Research Unit. In July 1996, she returned to Lubbock to be the Research Leader of the Agricultural Research Service Livestock Issues Research Unit for the United States Department of Agriculture stationed at Texas Tech.
Dr. Morrow was a member of the following societies: the American Society of Animal Science, the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists with Board Certification in Animal Behavior, the International Society for Applied Ethology, the Animal Behavior Society, the Scientists Center of Animal Welfare, the ARENA and PRIM&R, the International Society of Psychoneurorendocrinology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology, the Federation of American Societies of Food North Central Region Committee on animal behavior and care and the Western Region Research Project on Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Their Effects on Performance.
She also received the following awards: ARS Certificate of Merit for superior performance as research animal scientists (1995), ARS Extra Effort Award (1996), Certificate of Merit for outstanding leadership of animal well-being and transfer of this technology to producers and consumers and ARS Certificate of Merit and quality step increase for outstanding performance as Research Leader of the Livestock Behavior Unit, ARS Certificate of Merit for outstanding performance as Research Leader of the Livestock Behavior Unit (1997-1998).
She served as a committee member or was an Adjunct professor for 13 organizations and universities all around the nation including Purdue University and Texas Tech University. She was also a teaching assistant in Animal Science at the University of Nevada-Reno and Texas Tech University. She was an instructor and lecturer at Boston University Medical School and Purdue University. Her lectures included Immunobiology of Cancer of Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals.
From 1995 to 1997, she was invited to speak and participate in 25 different seminars and symposiums in 12 different states on subjects concerning animal science. At the request of USDA National Program Staff, she participated in the 30th Anniversary of the Animal Welfare Act and presented information on research in the Livestock Behavior Research Unit in Washington D.C.
She received grants from the following four organizations: NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship in Immunology, American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant, the School of Veterinary Medicine Grant and Co-Pl on USDA-NRI grant. She has over 50 scientific publications to her credit.
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Alex Yack
Senior Director of Development
Matt Williams
Director of Development
Shelbey Havens
Assistant Director of Development
Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
P.O. Box 42123, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123, Dean’s Office Location: Goddard Building, Room 108 -