Buddy Reger Memorial Rodeo Endowed Scholarship
The Buddy Reger Memorial Rodeo Scholarship Endowment was established in 1985 and is awarded to any student, based on scholarship, leadership, and financial need, who is interested in or is a member of the Texas Tech Rodeo Association.
Monte Dean “Buddy” Reger spent his life promoting and performing in rodeo. He was a member of the Cowboys Turtle Association, its successor, the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, and a founding member of the first rodeo team at Oklahoma State University. He served in an advisory capacity for 4-H horsemanship groups, high school rodeo teams, and the Texas Tech rodeo team.
Buddy entered the rodeo arena as a child, part of a family trick riding act, became a trick roper, calf roper, and bull fighting rodeo clown, and continued to promote the sport at every opportunity. He wrote about rodeo in newspaper and magazine columns, trick rode in several European countries during an agricultural goodwill trip, and trick roped in hospitals to entertain the patients. One of his favorite things to do was gather up other performers and competitors and talk to local school children whenever a rodeo was in town. He always had his rope handy and finished the talk with a few tricks, including a “Texas Skip.” Buddy Reger loved rodeo and would be proud to be helping the rodeo athletes of the future.
To support this scholarship, “Give Now” online.
Alex Yack
Senior Director of Development
Matt Williams
Director of Development
Shelbey Havens
Assistant Director of Development
Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
P.O. Box 42123, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123, Dean’s Office Location: Goddard Building, Room 108 -