Anne Rioux Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Food Science
The Anne Rioux Graduate Studies in Food Science Endowment was established in 2007 by Anne Rioux to be used for any and all needs of graduate studies in the food science program within the Department of Animal and Food Sciences. It includes, but is not limited to, equipment, all types of teaching and/or research needs, faculty and graduate student travel, fellowships for graduate students, printing, supplies and any other expenses incurred in support of graduate studies in the food science program.
Mrs. Anne C. Rioux graduated from Texas Tech University in 1992 with a Master of Science in Food Technology. There, she designed a degree plan idea for viticulture and enology. After graduating, she worked as a wine maker and winery consultant for a couple of wineries in Texas. Anne is retired now. Her husband, Tom, is a retired professor of engineering from the University of Texas.
To support this scholarship, “Give Now” online.
Alex Yack
Senior Director of Development
Matt Williams
Director of Development
Shelbey Havens
Assistant Director of Development
Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
P.O. Box 42123, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123, Dean’s Office Location: Goddard Building, Room 108 -