Norm and Marge Hopper Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
The Norm and Marge Hopper Study Abroad Scholarship Endowment was established by Dr. and Mrs. Hopper in 2012. Scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in the Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources who are participating in a study abroad activity.
Dr. Norman Hopper joined the faculty at Texas Tech University in July of 1976. He served as a professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Science until 1998 when he joined the Dean's Office as Associate Dean for Student Affairs with responsibilities for recruiting, retention, and placement. Recently his responsibilities in the Dean's Office have changed and Dr. Hopper is currently serving as Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Prior to coming to Texas Tech, he was a faculty member in the Department of Agronomy at The Ohio State University.
Dr. Hopper received his baccalaureate (1965) and master's (1967) degrees in Agronomy
from Texas Tech University. Subsequently, he was awarded a Ph.D. (1970) degree from
Iowa State University with a major in Crop Physiology (Department of Agronomy) and
a minor in Plant Physiology (Department of Botany).
During his tenure at Texas Tech University he has served on many departmental, college,
and university committees in addition to several graduate student committees—both
as a member and major professor. In addition, he has served his professional societies
(American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America) in numerous positions
and has been named a Fellow in both societies. Dr. Hopper retired in 2012 as Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources Executive Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs.
Marge Hopper graduated from Texas Tech in 1966 with a bachelor's degree in Human Development and Family Studies and received her master's degree from Iowa State University in 1968. She and Norman have three children, Brandon, Travis and Tylene. They now reside in Colleyville, Texas.
Matt Williams
Senior Director of Development
Shelbey Havens
Assistant Director of Development
Tyler Schuster
Assistant Director of Development
Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
P.O. Box 42123, Lubbock, Texas 79409-2123, Dean’s Office Location: Goddard Building, Room 108 -