Texas Alliance for Water Conservation holds Pioneers in Agriculture Field Day
A program aimed at connecting today's producers and consultants with the latest market, policy and research information was the focus of the Texas Alliance for Water Conservation's annual 'Pioneers in Agriculture Field Day' on Thursday (Aug. 15) at the Floyd County Unity Center in Muncy.
"The field day was a great opportunity to learn about new energy and water-saving technologies and hear first-hand from producers, commodity groups and research leaders," said TAWCproject director Rick Kellison.
Program officials said more than 70 participants learned about Bayer's e3, a new sustainable cotton initiative; crop water balance management tips; the long range weather forecast; and challenges and opportunities in the cattle business.
Representatives from AquaSpy, Eco-Drip's Aqua Check, SmartField, and John Deere's CropSense discussed irrigation management products and producer benefits. National Sorghum Producers CEO Tim Lust was the day's keynote speaker.
The Texas Alliance for Water Conservation is a partnership of Floyd and Hale county producers, data collection technologies, and collaborating partners that include: individual industries, universities, and government agencies. The TAWC project was made possible through a grant from the Texas Water Development Board.
Written by Norman Martin
Reporting by Samantha Borgstedt
CONTACT: Samantha Borgstedt, Communications Director, Texas Alliance for Water Conservation, Texas Tech University at samantha.borgstedt@ttu.edu
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