Global View; CASNR program focuses on international agriculture business
As the economy becomes more global each day, Texas Tech University students striving for a career in the agribusiness field are now being given the opportunity to learn on an international scale. Specifically, Tech's Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics is making that possible with a newly launched international agriculture business program.

Phillip Johnson, chairman of the department, said this is an excellent opportunity for Texas Tech students.
"We're trying to give our students exposure to global economics and international business," he said, "and make sure they get some opportunities to go abroad."
Johnson, who also serves as Tech's Charles C. Thompson Chair of Agricultural Finance and the Director of the Thornton Agricultural Finance Institute, said the program is clearing the way for students to gain exposure to global economics and business. The program can be incorporated into either an agricultural economics degree or an agricultural business degree. Even students outside the department can gain the experience by way of a minor in international agribusiness.
Eighteen hours of courses relative to international agribusiness and a study abroad experience meets the requirements for the program. The study abroad experience can be fulfilled anywhere the student chooses, as long as it lasts a minimum of three months. He said the Tech campus in Seville, Spain has been a popular choice for many students wishing to gain international experience in the past and will satisfy the requirement.
"A study abroad is something that we found was very positive," Johnson said. "Doing an international emphasis where you have to do a study abroad potentially helps in terms of qualifying students that are graduating for jobs more in a global area."
The program has been in the making two years and was approved last fall, Johnson said. He encourages students to become involved because the international experience can only aid in a student's success. There is a growing demand for graduating students with a degree that has an international focus. However, he said this program is more than just a resume builder.
"It goes beyond just adding it to your resume because you go to a different country and you see a different culture," Johnson said. "You see a different environment and it is always good to be able to experience that."
Written by Kayla Wilkins
CONTACT: Phillip Johnson, chairman and director of the Thornton Agricultural Finance Institute, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University at (806) 834-0474 or
0202NM16 / Editor's Note: If a student wishes to pursue international agriculture business program opportunities, they should contact their academic adviser or Phil Johnson at
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