Caitlyn Cooper-Norris joins Department of Natural Resources Management
By: Norman Martin
Caitlyn Cooper-Norris, an expert in range ecophysiology, has been named an assistant professor in Texas Tech University's Department of Natural Resources Management, according to officials within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. She officially stepped into her new teaching and research post on Aug. 1.
The Jacksboro, Texas, native indicated that her research program broadly focuses on making advancements in rangeland management that will increase ranch profitability, enhance ecosystem services, and increase rangeland system diversity, stability, and resilience. The major focus of her research is studying physiology and phenology of invasive and noxious native and exotic plants in rangelands to improve management and treatment practices. Other interests include restoration of depleted/damaged rangelands and pasturelands, and integrated livestock/wildlife production systems.
One of her primary goals at Tech is to reinvigorate the Department of Natural Resources Management's range ecophysiology research program, while focusing on issues that particularly pertain to ranchers and stakeholders in semi-arid regions.
Prior to taking her new position, Cooper-Norris served as an assistant professor in rangeland ecophysiology with Texas A&M AgriLife Research in Vernon, Texas. She also worked as a graduate research assistant with Texas A&M AgriLife Research in College Station and Stephenville, Texas.
Her bachelor's degree in agronomy and range management and her master's degree in agriculture with an emphasis in agronomy are from Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. Her doctorate in agronomy is from Texas A&M University-College Station. She is a member of the Society for Range Management, Texas Section Society for Range Management (TSSRM), American Society of Agronomy, and the Crop Science Society of America.
Cooper-Norris serves on the board of directors for TSSRM and as a co-coordinator of TSSRM's Youth Range Workshop, the nation's longest running natural resources workshop for youth.
CONTACT: Caitlyn Cooper-Norris, assistant professor, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University at (806) 834-6532 or
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