Dr. Edward L. Quitevis
Title: Professor
Joint Professor of Physics
President's Excellence in Research Professor
Education: Ph.D., Harvard University, 1981; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Toronto, 1981-1984
Research Area: Physical Chemistry/Chemical Physics
Office: Chemistry 035
Phone: 806-834-3066
Email: edward.quitevis@ttu.edu
Webpages: Research Group
Principal Research Interests
- Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Liquids
- Dynamics of Complex Fluids
- Physical Chemistry of Ionic Liquids
- Supercooled Liquids and the Glass Transition
One of the main techniques used in my laboratory is optical heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr effect spectroscopy (OHD-RIKES). OHD-RIKES is an ultrafast nonlinear optical time-domain technique that measures the collective polarizability anisotropy dynamics of a liquid. By use of a Fourier-transform deconvolution procedure, the OHD-RIKES transient can be converted to a reduced spectral density or optical Kerr effect (OKE) spectrum, which is directly related to the depolarized Raman spectrum of the liquid and contains information about the low-frequency intermolecular modes of the liquid. To study the ultraslow dynamics in glass-forming liquids, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) techniques are used. In FRAP, the rotational and transitional motions of photobleachable fluorescent probe molecules are used. Since the technique monitors the recovery of the fluorescence of the probe after photobleaching, the timescale of the dynamics that we are measuring is not limited by the fluorescence lifetime of the probe. In translational diffusion measurements, the washing out of a spatially periodic pattern of bleached and unbleached probe molecules is followed, whereas in rotational diffusion measurements, the filling in of an orientational hole is followed.
Ionic Liquids: Room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) are commonly defined as salts with melting points below 373K. An IL is composed of a bulky organic cation and one of a range of common anions, which might be either organic or inorganic, and possesses negligible vapour pressure, low flammability, and a wide liquid range. The vast number of potential ILs (over a million simple ones and over a trillion ternary systems) means that ILs can be designed specifically with tuneable physicochemical properties, leading to their description as “designer” solvents. Because they offer unique sets of properties not achievable with other materials, there is increasing interest in applications beyond solvents in such wide ranging fields as energetic materials, biotechnology, and nanoscience. Despite the great success of this application-driven research, a fundamental understanding of the structure, dynamics, and interactions in these complex fluids is still lacking. A particularly important feature of ILs is that they are structured liquids characterized by nanoscopic polar and nonpolar domains. Understanding the relationship between this nanostructural organization and the intermolecular dynamics in ILs is one of the main themes guiding research in my group.
Supercooled Liquids: The dramatic viscous slow down that accompanies the formation of glasses upon cooling supercooled liquids to below the glass transition temperature Tg is one of the oldest and most extensively studied problems in condensed matter physics and chemistry. The microscopic causes of the viscous slow down responsible for the glass transition however remain an unsolved problem. We are currently studying translational and rotational diffusion in glass-forming liquids above and below Tg. The goal of this research is to further understand the decoupling between translational and rotational diffusion that occurs as Tg is approached from above in the supercooled state and the processes that underlie physical aging when the glass-former is quenched from a temperature above Tg to the glassy state. Current theories of the glass transition are based on the existence of dynamic heterogeneity near Tg. Experiments in my laboratory are aimed at revealing the relationship between decoupling, physical aging, and dynamic heterogeneity. FRAP techniques are being used to measure the ultraslow translational and rotational diffusion near Tg.
Representative Publications
- "Orientational and Low-Frequency (0-450 cm-1) Dynamics of Methyl Metharylate: OHD-RIKES Measurements and DFT Calculations, "D. Meng, S. Sagala, A. J. A. Aquino, E. L. Quitevis, J. Mol. Liq., 2021, 323, 115004(1)-115004(13).
- "Kinetic Study of Curing Bisphenol A Dicyanate Ester with Ionic Liquid Additive," C. Zai, E. L. Quitevis, S. L. Simon, J. Polym. Sci. B. Polym. Phys., 2019, 57, 1315-1324.
- "Friction and Wear of Pd-Rich Amorphous Alloy (Pd43Cu27Ni10P20) with Ionic Liquid (IL) as Lubricant at High Temperatures," Lee, C.-D. Yeo, Z. Hu, V. D. Thalangama-Arachchige, J. Kaur, E. L. Quitevis, G. Kumar, Y. P. Koh, and S. Simon, Metal, 2019, 9, 1180.
- "Dissolution of Cotton Cellulose in 1:1 Mixtures of 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Methylphosphonate and 1-Alkylimidazole Co-solvents," N. Dissanayake, V. D. Thalangamaarchchige, M. Thakurathi, M. Knight, E. L. Quitevis, and N. Abidi, Carbohyd. Polym., 2019, 221, 63-72.
- "Substituent Effects on Cellulose Dissolution in Imidazolium-based Ionic Liquids," N. Dissanayake, V. D. Thalangamaarachchige, S. Troxell, E. Quitevis, N. Abidi, Cellulose, 2018, 25, 6887-6900.
- "Optical Kerr Effect Spectroscopy of CS2 in Monocationic and Dicationic Ionic Liquids: Insights into Intermolecular Interactions in Ionic Liquids," E. Gurung, D. Meng, G. Tamas, R. M. Lynden-Bell, and E. L. Quitevis, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 26558-26569.
- "Friction and Wear of Pd-rich Amorphous Alloy (Pd43Cu27Ni10P20) under Dry and Ionic Liquid (IL) Lubricated Conditions," J. Lee, M. He, C.-D. Yeo, G. Kumar, Z. Ju, E. L. Quitevis, V. D. Thalangamaarchchige, Wear, 2018, 408-409,190-199.
- "A Simulation Study of CS2 Solutions in Two Related Ionic Liquids with Dications and Monocations," R. M. Lynden-Bell and E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 193844.
- "Ionic Liquids at the Surface of Graphite: Wettability and Structure," E. Bordes, L. Douce, E. L. Quitevis, A. A. H. Padua, and M. Costa Gomes, J. Chem. Phys., 2018, 148, 193380.(2018 JCP Editors' Choice Article.)
- "Temperature Dependence of Volumetric and Dynamic Properties of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids," F. Khabaz, Y. Zhang, L. Xue, E. L. Quitevis, E. J. Maginn, and R. Khare, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2018, 22, 2414-2424.
- "The Stokes-Einstein Equation and the Diffusion of Ferrocene in Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids Studied by Cyclic Voltammetry: Effects of Cation Ion Symmetry and Alkyl Chain Length," M. Thakurathi, E. Gurung, M. M. Cetin, V. D. Thalangamaarachchige, M. F. Mayer, C. Korzeniewski, E. L. Quitevis, Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 259, 245-252.
- "Fragility of Ionic Liquids Measured by Flash Differential Scanning Calorimetry," R. R. Tao, E. Gurung, M. M. Cetin, M. F. Mayer, E. L. Quitevis, S. L. Simon, Thermochimica Acta, 2017, 654, 121-129.
- "Comparative Study of the Intermolecular Dynamics of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids with Linear and Branched Alkyl Chains: OHD-RIKES Measurements," L. Xue, F. Bardak, G. Tamas, and E. L. Quitevis, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 4661-4672.
- "The Importance of Polarizability: Comparison of Models of Carbon Disulphide in the Ionic Liquids [C1C1im][NTf2] and [C4C1im][NTf2]," R. M. Lynden-Bell and E. L. Quitevis, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 16535-16543.
- "Effect of Alkyl Chain Branching on Physicochemical Properties of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids," L. Xue, E. Gurung, G. Tamas, M. T. Shadeck, Y. P. Koh, S. L. Simon, M. Maroncelli, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2016, 61, 1078-1091.
- "Comparative OHD-RIKES Study of the Low-Frequency (0-250 cm-1) Vibrational Dynamics of Dibenzyl- and Monobenzyl-Substituted Imidazolium Ionic Liquids and Benzene/Dimethylimidazolium Mixtures," L. Xue, G. Tamas, and E. L. Quitevis, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2016, 4, 514-524.
- "Molecular Topology and Local Dynamics Govern the Viscosity of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids," Y. Zhang, L. Xue, F. Khabaz, R. Doerfler, E. L. Quitevis, R. Khare, and E. Maginn, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2015, 119, 14934-14944.
- "An OHD-RIKES and Simulation Study Comparing a Benzylmethylimidazolium Ionic Liquid with an Equimolar Mixture of Dimethylimidazolium and Benzene," L. Xue, G. Tamas, R. P. Matthews, A. J. Stone, P. A. Hunt, E. L. Quitevis, and R. M. Lynden-Bell, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2015, 17, 9973-9983.
- "Heterogeneous Dynamics in Ionic Liquids at the Glass Transition: Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching Measurements of Probe Rotational Motion from Tg– 10K to Tg+4K," F. Bardak, J. R. Rajian, P. Son, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 2015, 407, 324-332.
- "Direct Exfoliation of Graphene in Ionic Liquids with Aromatic Groups," R. Bari, G. Tamas, F. Irin A. Aquino, M. J. Green, E. L. Quitevis, Coll. Surf. A, 2014, 59, 63-69.
- "Thermophysical Properties of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids: The Aliphatic versus Aromatic Functionality," R. Tao, G. Tamas, L. Xue, S. L. Simon, E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2014, 59, 2717-2724.
- "Structure and Intermolecular Dynamics of Equimolar Benzene and 1,3-Dimethylimidazolium Bis[(trifluoromethane)sulfonyl]amide Mixture: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and OKE Spectroscopic Measurements," R. M. Lynden-Bell, L. Xue, G. Tamas, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Phys., 2014, 141, 044506.
- "Probing the Interplay between Electrostatic and Dispersion Interactions in the Solvation of Nonpolar Nonaromatic Solutes in Ionic Liquids: OKE Spectroscopic Study of CS2/[CnC1im][NTf2] Mixtures (n = 1-4)," L. Xue, G. Tamas, E. Gurung, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Phys., 2014, 140, 164512.
- "Nanostructural Organization in Acetonitrile/Ionic Liquid Mixtures: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Optical Kerr Effect Spectroscopy," F. Bardak, D. Xiao, L. G. Hines, Jr., P. Son, R. A. Bartsch, E. L. Quitevis, P. Yang, and G. A. Voth, ChemPhysChem, 2012, 13, 1687-1770.
- "Nanostructural Organization in Carbon Disulfide/Ionic Liquid Mixtures: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Optical Kerr Effect Spectroscopy," P. Yang, G. A. Voth, D. Xiao, L. G. Hines, Jr., R. A. Bartsch, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Phys., 2011, 135, 034502.
- "Effect of Cation Symmetry on the Morphology and Physicochemical Properties of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids," W. Zheng, A. Mohammed, L. G. Hines Jr., D. Xiao, O. J. Martinez, R. A. Bartsch, S. L. Simon, O. Russina, A. Triolo, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115, 6572-6584.
- "Morphology and Intermolecular Dynamics of 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis[(trifluoromethane)sulfonyl]amide Ionic Liquids: Structural and Dynamic Evidence of Nanoscale Segregation," O. Russina, A. Triolo, L. Gontrani, R. Caminiti, D. Xiao, L. G. Hines, Jr., R. A. Bartsch, E. L. Quitevis, N. Pleckhova, and K. R. Seddon, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2009, 21, 424121.
- "Effect of Cation Symmetry and Alkyl Chain Length on the Structure and Intermolecular Dynamics of 1,3-Dialkylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide Ionic Liquids," D. Xiao; L. G. Hines, Jr.; S. Li; R. A. Bartsch; E. L. Quitevis, O. Russina, and A. Triolo, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 6426-6433.
- "Translational Diffusion in Sucrose Benzoate Near the Glass Transition: Probe Size Dependence in the Breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein Equation," J. R. Rajian and E. L. Quitevis, J. Chem. Phys., 2007, 126, 224506.
- "Nanostructural Organization and Anion Effect on the Temperature Dependence of the Optical Kerr Effect Spectra of Ionic Liquids," D. Xiao, J. R. Rajian, A. Cady, S. Li, R. A. Bartsch, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 4669 – 4677.
- "Intermolecular Spectrum of Liquid Biphenyl Studied by Optical Kerr Effect Spectroscopy," j. R. Rajian, B.-Y. Hyun, and E. L. Quitevis, J. Phys. Chem. A, 2004, 108, 10107-10115.
- "Low-Frequency Spectrum of Homeotropically-aligned Liquid Crystals: Optical Heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr Effect Spectroscopy of 4-Octyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl," B.-Y. Hyun and E. L. Quitevis, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2003, 370, 725-732.
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
1204 Boston Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-1061 -