Issue 15
Dr. Erin Collopy
Department Chair & Associate Professor
Fall 2016 was a very busy semester for CMLL. Some of the highlights include our inaugural Language & Culture Day which was held the same day as the Céfiro annual International Cultural Day. Over 100 K-12 students participated in this event which included competitions, visits to language classes, and a lecture on languages and careers. The second annual Spanglish Day was also a great success. TTU faculty, area teachers, and students from the graduate level through elementary school celebrated the rich Spanish language history and culture of our region. Finally, CMLL student clubs were involved in over 75 events this semester, including fundraisers, movie nights, lectures, conversation tables, parties, and even a fashion show. There's always something happening in CMLL.
CMLL welcomed four new faculty to CMLL this fall:
- Dr. Susan Larson - Qualia Chair in Romance Languages
- Dr. Alicia Miklos - Assistant Professor of Spanish
- Dr. Francesca Mirti - Instructor of Italian
- Audrey Sendejo - Instructor of American Sign Language
Congratulations to our summer and fall graduates! We are proud of you.
Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -