CMLL Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs
Grounded international travel due to COVID-19 led to closedowns of study abroad programs in 2020. However, in the Red Raider spirit, Texas Tech Department of Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures is preparing awesome faculty-led study abroad programs in Summer 2021. Students are eager to take to the skies to international destinations where they will experience rich culture while building communication skills. CMLL is proud to present 2021 study abroad opportunities in Arabic, French, Spanish. Unfortunately, Chinese, German and Classics faculty-led programs are grounded for yet another year but with great anticipation for 2022.
Amman Jordan, July 6 to August 6, 2021, under the direction of Rula Al-Hmoud, Director of the Texas Tech Arabic program. Eleven students from the Arabic program will participate in the program, earning 6 credit hours.
Reims, France, May 28 to June 27, 2021, under the direction of Dr. Carole Edwards
This Reims-based study abroad program will offer 12 participants an opportunity to live in a beautiful French university town and take French classes taught by a Texas Tech professor. Students will live in the International Center and will earn 6 credits in language and culture courses.
New Virtual Study Abroad in Seville, Spain - Spring 2021
Texas Tech's first virtual study abroad from home! Seven TTU students completed their entire language requirement of 12 credits with SPAN 1607 and 2607 in Spring 2021 and jumpstarted their language learning. Offering an affordable way to study abroad, these students participated in classes with live professors in Spain Monday through Thursday, engaged in weekly connections with local Spanish language assistants and participated in interactive virtual excursions.
Summer I & II Combined, May 24 - July 31; Summer I only, May 24 - June 26; Summer II only, July 1 - 31
Texas Tech University is offering a unique opportunity for thirty-six students to live, learn, travel and enjoy the life, culture, and Spanish language during long semesters, or during the summer program, in Sevilla. Spanish course credit may be earned at the lower-level (first and second year), upper level (third and fourth year), and at the 5000-level (or graduate). The program is directed, and the courses taught by Texas Tech University Spanish professors. Students stay with host families and explore the sights, sounds and culture during planned excursions to local and nearby places.
Fall 2021
Currently, there are twenty-five students planning to study abroad in Seville for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.
Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -