Caitlyn English

Caitlyn English
Unit Coordinator
As a Unit Coordinator for TTUISD, Caityln English has truly transformed the operations of her department. When she started, she implemented a system that reduced the number of instances regarding late grading from 62% on time grading to a 97% grading efficiency across all TTUISD teachers. In addition, her systematic approach reduced the number of missing grades from 721 to 3 individual occurrences. Caitlyn is both professional in her manner yet nurturing in her approach. TTUISD clients and teachers alike have shared that they feel extremely well-served by Caitlyn. She is the perfect mix of wonderful customer service and a disciplined un-wavering work ethic.
Human Resources
Texas Tech University, 2518 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.3851 -