Click on a photo to view a larger image and read about the recipient.
Pictured with the recipient is Texas Tech Chancellor Robert L. Duncan and Senior
Vice Provost Dr. Rob Stewart.
Matador Award

Caitlyn English

Robert Farrer
School of Music

Julie Hodges
National Ranching Heritage Center

Denae Jackson
Psychological Sciences

Kelsey Miller Jackson
Center for Campus Life

Kacey Marshall
National Wind Institute

Elaine Ramzinski
College of Arts and Sciences
Masked Rider Award

Jorge Baquero
TTUS Information Systems

Kim Cannon
Animal and Food Sciences

Todd Phillips
Human Resources

Misty Rangel
Mathematics and Statistics

Marcy Tyler
Texas Tech Athletics

Rebecca Velez
Personal Financial Planning
President's Award of Excellence

Liz Inskip-Paulk
National Wind Institute

Rachel Elizabeth Traxler
Student Disability Services
Chancellor's Award of Excellence

Gabriel Guzman
Operations Division

Rachel Jackson
Transition and Engagement

Rick Kellison
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

Martha Ritz
Operations Division
Guns Up Award (Team)

TTU Junction

Tech Transfer Acceleration Program