Dietetic Internship Health Requirements
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Health Requirements prior to beginning dietetic internship
Health requirements:
- Proof of negative Two Step PPD (TB Test) prior to beginning internship
- Proof of titers (blood tests) showing immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, pertussis and hepatitis B (copies of shot records are no longer accepted)
- Tetanus vaccination within 10 years
- Several of our sites are now requiring interns to be fully vaccinated upon starting rotations at their facilities. If you have questions regarding how this might impact you, please email the Dietetic Internship Director.
Medical health insurance is necessary. A policy is available on campus if the student does not have prior coverage (see TTU website or following link:
The Texas Tech University School of Medicine operates the Student Health Services for all students of the University. The clinic is located in the Student Wellness Center at 1003 Flint Avenue and provides a walk-in ambulatory service that supplies medical care of the scope expected of a family physician's office. Inpatient medical care is not provided by the Student Health Clinic. When hospitalization is required, one of several excellent hospitals in the community can be utilized.
A total of three days (24 practicum hours) will be allowed for illness or emergency leave. Missed competencies may require additional make up hours. Extended illness may require extension of rotation weeks beyond the announced program completion date.
Professional Dress
Interns are expected to maintain a professional standard of dress and conform to the established dress code at all times during the rotations. Dress codes are clarified for each rotation. For the most part, business casual clothing is required along with a white staff coat at some facilities. In some rotations, enclosed shoes are required for health and safety reasons. Flat shoes are highly suggested for all rotations.
A limited city bus system operates in the Lubbock area and Amarillo area.
Transportation to the facilities is the responsibility of the intern. Due to the size of the community and the outlying locations of some of the rotations, a reliable car is necessary to complete the rotations. Students are responsible for the automobile insurance.
Liability Insurance
Interns are required to purchase malpractice insurance before the initiation of the supervised experiences. The director will provide instructions for the purchase of this insurance through a university contract.
Academic Common Market Program
Texas Tech participates in the Academic Common Market, a reciprocal agreement for
sharing uncommon curricula.
Ph.D./R.D. students from Kentucky may qualify for resident tuition.
Nutritional Sciences
College of Health & Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41162, Lubbock, TX 79409-1162 -
(806) 742-3031 -