Texas Tech University

Sending Students to Texas Tech

For current exchange partners:

  • At the beginning of each term, the Incoming Exchange Student Coordinator, Ruby Oku, will alert you of the current exchange balances. If the balance is in your favor, you may nominate a student from your university by sending an email directly to Ruby Oku with the following information:
    • Student Name
    • Student Email
    • Course of Study
    • Level of Study
    • Terms (Fall, Spring, AY, etc.)
  • After the nomination is received by Ruby Oku, she will reach out to the student directly with further instructions and details on how to apply.
  • Nomination deadlines are listed below for each term:
    • Fall and/or Academic Year (fall-spring): March 1st
    • Spring and/or Calendar Year (spring-fall): September 15th

For partners with whom we do not have an agreement:

  • Please contact Associate Director of International Academic Partnerships, Michael Johnson.