Veteran - Hazlewood Act Eligibility Requirements:
(See TVC website for official rules, application and other documents).
Receives up to 150 credit hours. Who, at the time of entry into the U.S. Armed Forces was a Texas resident, OR designated Texas as Home of Record, OR place of entry shows Texas and served at least 181 days of active military duty (excluding all training) with honorable or under honorable conditions discharge, and you must not have federal veterans education benefits dedicated to the payment of tuition and fees only (such as Chapter 33 or 31); for term or semester enrolled that do not exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits. You must currently physically reside in Texas during the time for which the exemption is claimed, not in default on a student loan made or guaranteed by the State of Texas (see application instructions) Enroll in classes for which the college receives tax support (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its costs), unless the college's governing board has ruled to let veterans receive the benefit while taking non-funded courses. Must be meeting SAP excessive hours and GPA requirements.
Financial Aid Note:
The Hazlewood benefit will impact your financial aid award as Hazlewood is noted as a resource of funds. For information or questions regarding this information, contact your Financial Aid representative in West Hall Room 301. Tel. 806 742 3681.
Veterans applying to receive Hazlewood at Texas Tech University:
- Visit the Checklists page on this website, click Hazlewood Veterans Checklist for more information and instructions.
- MVP wants to ensure your application is complete and processed efficiently. Confirm you are submitting required items by printing and using the checklist.
- Submit the application and supporting documents to MVP immediately following registration of classes via the MVP Forms portal.
Audit Note: TTU may perform an audit of your records at any time. If during an audit it is found you are not meeting a requirement, Hazlewood will be removed from your account and you will be responsible for all account balances.
Military & Veterans Programs
2500 Broadway Street, West Hall Room 242, Texas Tech University, PO Box 45026, Lubbock, TX 79409-5026 -
806.742.6877 -