Legacy Program Requirements:
(See TVC website for official rules)
Veterans shares 150 hours with dependent. Legacy hours are restricted to degree program hours. Transfer Unused Hazlewood Hours to a dependent. Veteran who meet the Hazlewood requirements and currently physically resides in Texas may transfer unused hours to a dependent child who meets requirements. Veteran's spouse or child's guardian, conservator, custodian, or other legally designated caretaker to re-assign unused hours to an eligible child through Legacy on behalf of a veteran who died prior to requesting the transfer. Important: Only one person can utilize a veteran's Hazlewood – Legacy at a time. Dependent will receive the amount of Hazlewood hours equal to one undergraduate degree plan. Remaining hours after one undergraduate degree can be used for a graduate degree. Dependent must be the biological child, stepchild, or claimed as a dependent on the most recent IRS Tax Transcript AND Must be a Texas resident coded by the university admissions office AND 25 years old or younger, and Have no federal veteran's education benefits, or have federal veterans education benefits dedicated to the payment of tuition and fees only - Chapter 33/Post 9/11, for the term or semester enrolled that do not exceed the value of Hazlewood benefits, and Be degree seeking, and Not in default of student loans, (see application instructions and requirements) and Meeting SAP excessive hours and GPA requirements. Excludes Graduate Temporary – GTEMP and dual degree programs in excess hours. Veteran will be required to submit a revocation form to revoke benefits for one child and submit a complete application to begin an additional child for Hazlewood.
Financial Aid Note:
Hazlewood benefits will impact your financial aid award. For information or questions regarding this information, contact your Financial Aid representative in West Hall Room 301. Tel. 806 742 3681.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the Hazlewood exemption is not allowed due to not meeting Standard Academic Progress (SAP), you will be contacted by the Financial Aid Office via your TTU email and it is your responsibility to respond immediately.
Family Member applying to receive Hazlewood:
- Visit the Checklists page on this website, click Hazlewood Legacy Checklist for more information and instructions.
- MVP wants to ensure your application is complete and processed efficiently. Confirm you are submitting required items by printing and using the checklist.
- Submit the application and supporting documents to MVP immediately following registration of classes via the MVP Forms portal.
- An audit will be conducted by an MVP School Certifying Official, Student Business Services, and the Financial Aid Office. The audit will verify that you are meeting all eligibility requirements, including Satisfactory Academic Progress and Excessive Hours rules. If the audit finds you do not meet requirements, you will be contacted by the appropriate office via your TTU email and it is your responsibility to respond immediately. Be aware that Hazlewood will impact and potentially reduce your Financial Aid award package.
Audit Note: ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TTU EMAIL. If an audit concludes that you are not meeting Standard Academic Progress (SAP), you must contact the Financial Aid Office. If an audit concludes that you are in Excessive Hours, you must contact Student Business Services.
Military & Veterans Programs
2500 Broadway Street, West Hall Room 242, Texas Tech University, PO Box 45026, Lubbock, TX 79409-5026 -
806.742.6877 -