Texas Tech University

Luis Grave De Peralta, Ph.D

Professor Emeritus
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Email: Luis.Grave-de-Peralta@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-1460

Office: 16 Science Building

Ph. D. Electrical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA (2000)

M.S. Physics, Oriente University, Cuba (1982)

Luis Grave De Peralta

Web Links

  • Personal Home Page
  • Research Interests

    My primary research interests concentrate on NANOPHOTONICS, FOURIER OPTICS, PHOTONIC and PLASMONIC CRYSTALS, and SUBWAVELENGTH  RESOLUTION MICROSCOPY . This includes the theoretical description and the experimental characterization of topological photonic crystals, and the development of advanced phase-recovery microscopy techniques (DUAL-SPACE MICROSCOPY). In addition, I am interested in the fundaments of Quantum Mechanics (Quantum Optics). 

    Selected Publications

    • “Super-resolution imaging of photonics crystals using the dual-space microscopy technique,” D. B. Desai, S. Sen, M. V. Zhelyeznyakov, W. Alenazy, and L. Grave de Peralta, Applied Optics  55, 3929-3934 (2016).
    • “Simulation study of dual-space microscopy,” D. B. Desai, M. V. Zhelyeznyakov, S. A. S. Alanzi, and L. Grave de Peralta, Applied Optics55, 7294-7300 (2016).
    • “Metal slab superlens-negative refractive index versus inclined illumination: discussion,” L. Grave de Peralta, JOSA A  32, 1729-1735 (2015).
    • “Comprehensive study of unexpected microscope condensers formed in sample arrangements commonly used in optical microscopy,” D. B. Desai, M. M. S. Aldawsari, B. M. H. Alharbi, S. Sen, and L. Grave de Peralta, Applied Optics  54, 7781-7788 (2015).
    • “Ultra-thin condensers for optical subwavelength resolution microscopy,” D. B. Desai, D. Dominguez, A. A. Bernussi, and L. Grave de Peralta, J. Appl. Phys.  115, 093103 (2014).
    • “Toward surface plasmon polariton quantum state tomography,” D. Dominguez, C. J. Regan, A. A. Bernussi, and L. Grave de Peralta, J. Appl. Phys.  113, 073102 (2013).
    • “SPP tomography experiments with surface plasmon polariton standing waves,” L. Grave de Peralta, and D. Domìnguez, Opt. Commun.  286, 151-155 (2013).
    • “Direct observation of photonic Fermi surfaces by plasmon tomography,” C. J. Regan, A. Krishnan, R. Lopez-Boada, L. Grave de Peralta,and A.A. Bernussi, Applied Physics Letters  98, 151113 (2011).
    • “Phenomenological quantum description of the ultra fast response of arrayed waveguide gratings,” L. Grave de Peralta, J. of Appl. Phys.  108, 103110 (2010).