Texas Tech University

Physics Education


The Texas Tech University Physics Education Research Group presently consists of Prof. Thacker and three graduate students, Kyle Wipfli, Eric Ji and Yaren Ulu. They are working on assessing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of Learning Assistants (LAs) in an inquiry-based physics class, graduate students' understanding of symmetry and conservation laws in classical mechanics and students' understanding of Quantum Computing (QC) at the undergraduate level. Dr. Thacker welcomes graduate students who are interested in physics education research.

Research Topics

  • Assessing pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of Learning Assistants (LAs) in an inquiry-based physics class
  • Assessing students' thinking skills across pedagogies, class sizes and covid/non-covid
  • Graduate students' understanding of symmetry and conservation laws in classical mechanics
  • Students' understanding of Quantum Computing (QC) at the upper-level undergraduate level. 
  • Educational Augmented Reality

Click here for the Research group Webpage

Faculty Member

Physics Education Research

Faculty Members