Undergraduate Program: How to Apply
Visit the Texas Tech University Office of Admissions Page.
Upon acceptance, students will be assigned an advisor to ensure the student's continuous progress toward the degree.
Students are subject to all degree regulations as outlined in the .
- Contact Information - Department of Plant and Soil Science Contacts.
- TTU Worldwide eLearning- TTU distance learning site.
- - A complete listing of all TTU courses.
- e-Raider - eRaider is an account management system which makes it possible for students to obtain and access electronic resources at Texas Tech using a single username and password. Your eRaider username and password are required to access many of these resources.
- RaiderLink - TTU portal link.
- Texas Tech University Library - Homepage.
Financial Services
Student Life
Visiting the Campus
Department of Plant and Soil Science
Texas Tech University, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Box 42122, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2838 -