2020-2021 Chancellor's Council Distinguished Teaching and Research Awards
Asheley Landrum, Ph.D.
Asheley R. Landrum, PhD, is a psychologist and Assistant Professor specializing in strategic science communication. Prior to Texas Tech, she was the Howard Deshong Postdoctoral Fellow at the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Landrum's research bridges theory and methodology from educational, social, cognitive, and development psychology as well as communication research and public policy. Her work has appeared in journals such as Nature Climate Change, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Trends in Biotechnology, Developmental Science, Cognition, Advances in Political Psychology, and Journal of Risk Research.
Jerrad Legako, Ph.D.
Jerrad Legako's research and teaching specialization is in the area of meat science, and his research program primarily focuses upon pre- and post-harvest factors which influence beef quality. His program is differentiated from others based on his usage of analytical chemistry to explore beef flavor character and beef flavor development. Some of the specific factors being explored in Legako's research group include how animal diet, management, genetics, post-mortem aging, packaging and cooking influence beef flavor.
Wei Li, Ph.D
- Responsive LbL nanofilms
- Cell capture and release
- Cell microenvironments, soft materials, exosomes
- Biomedical microdevices
Each winner receives a commemorative medallion and a $5,000 award. The Chancellor's Council raises funds for student scholarships and recruitment, faculty awards and support, and other programs of excellence.
Office of Research & Innovation
Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Box 41075 Lubbock, TX 79409 -
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