Texas Tech University

Crisis Support and Reporting

On Campus Resources: 

Student Health Services
SWC, 806.743.2848, TTU Student Health Services
On-campus medical care exclusively for Tech students.
Quality care right on campus. Confidential

Office for Student Rights & Resolution 
SUB 232E, 806.742.7233, TTU Student Conduct 
Reporting for sexual violence, interpersonal violence, harassment, and discrimination
Online Reporting Available

Risk Intervention & Safety Services (RISE)
Drane Hall, Room 247, 806.742.2110, TTU RISE 
Offers prevention health education, alcohol and drug coaching, wellness coaching, and anonymous reporting services.
Jane/John Doe Reporters

Office of the Dean of Students
SUB 201AA, 806.742.2984, TTU Dean of Students 
Supporting students and families during times of crisis; assisting students with success to University academic and non-academic resources.

Student Counseling Center
SWC 201, 806.742.3674, TTU Student Counseling Center 
Individual, partner, and group counseling. Mind Spa to assist with stress and anxiety management.
Walk-In Clinic Hours: M-F 12:30-3:30
Confidential Services

TTU Police Department
Emergency: 911, Non-emergency: 806.742.3931
TTU Police Department
File a report if incident occurred on-campus

TTU Title IX Administrator
Admin. Building 115D, 806.834.1949, TTU Title ix 
Dr. Kimberly Simon: kimberly.simon@ttu.edu
Online Reporting Available

Off Campus Resources: 

Covenant Emergency Room
3615 19th St. Lubbock, TX 79410, 806.725.4288
Emergency health care and forensic examinations
within 96 hours of sexual assault

UMCEmergency Room
602 Indiana Ave. Lubbock, TX 79415, 806.775.8200
Emergency health care and forensic examinations within 96 hours of sexual assault

Lubbock Police Department 
Emergency: 911, Non: 806.775.2865, Lubbock Police 
File a report if incident occurred off-campus

Voice of Hope Rape Crisis Center 
806.763.3232, 806.763.7273, Voice of Hope 
Crisis intervention, support, advocacy, and follow-up for survivors of sexual assault and family members

Women's Protective Services
806.747.6491, Women's Protective Services 
A shelter for survivors of family violence


Student Health Services