Texas Tech University

Student Spotlight: Leslie Batenhorst

Leslie Batenhorst

Name: Leslie Batenhorst; Location: Sevilla, Spain; Program: Spanish Wine & Tourism in Sevilla, Spain; Timeframe: May 18-May 31, 2019; Major: Animal Science; Classification: Junior; Hometown: Dalhart, Texas

  • My Experience: It was so neat to experience a culture other than our own. I was able to dive right into the culture and expand my knowledge of the agriculture industry worldwide.
  • Why Go: This was a trip of a lifetime. Jump out of your comfort zone and grow as a person through a unique cultural experience. Somehow, I now appreciate the agriculture industry and its community even more. I found that traveling around the world is definitely my addiction and going back to Spain, a place I keep close to my heart, is a must.
  • Any Advice: Grab a friend and just go. Davis College gives you incredible opportunities and studying abroad is a must. Branch out of your comfort zone and let yourself experience new things. Try all the food, speak their language, adapt to their fashion, and appreciate their culture. I now have a place that feels like home across the globe and I am so thankful for the opportunity.
  • Favorite Part: Picking a favorite part is difficult for me. Touring different wineries, the Spanish night life, and the cuisine are memories I will forever cherish. Staying with a host family was a full emersion into the Spanish culture, and it was really unique to see what my life would look like if I called Spain home.
  • Looking Ahead: Going forward I have a completely new appreciation for the wine industry and the time and effort that is required to make a great bottle of wine. I can't wait to travel elsewhere to understand agriculture in new ways. We live in an incredible world and traveling across it is an experience that is hard to put into words.

Students in the Spanish Wine & Tourism program traveled across the wine regions of Spain to learn how different regions approach their wine making techniques from the vineyard to the bottle. They visited top producers in five different regions of Spain and Portugal wine making, as well being exposed to the food and culture of each region. Along the way they visited the Vivanco winery which offered art, wine and food experiences in Rioja. In addition, they learned the nuances behind the Solera system at a sherry bodega in Seville, and how the Andalusians have been making wines for centuries.

CONTACT: Cindy Akers, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Programs, Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Texas Tech University at (806) 742-2808 or cindy.akers@ttu.edu

1203NM19 / Editor's Note: For detailed information on Davis College Study Abroad programs and how to apply, click here.