Meet the CMLL Admin Team
Theresa Madrid - Administrative Assistant
Theresa Madrid joined the CMLL staff in July 2009. Her current job duties include departmental HR and payroll, scholarships, main office supervisor, departmental events and keeping the Chair's calendar. She graduated from TTU in December 2004 with a BA in English and a minor in Art Photography. She was born in Seattle, WA but grew up in eastern New Mexico in the small town of Tucumcari where her parents still reside. Her one sister is currently taking college courses in Lubbock and she has 2 smart and beautiful daughters: Karissa, a second year student double majoring in Psychology and Anthropology at Texas State, San Marcos and Caitlin, a sophomore at Lubbock High School. Sylvie and Emmie, her 2 very mischievous cats, torment her on a daily basis.
In her spare time, Theresa enjoys watching all types of films (especially Indie), having tea parties, planning margarita breakfasts, camping and spending time with her family. In reality, her spare time is spent cleaning, repairing what her mischievous cats have destroyed, running errands and doing laundry none of which she enjoys with the exception of vacuuming.
Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures
CMLL Building, 2906 18th St, Lubbock, TX 79409 -