Fall 2021 Newsletter
Safety Training
Everyone involved with the Department of Chemical Engineering (CHE) at Texas Tech University is responsible for the safety and security of themselves and others who might enter the facilities. The department continually collaborates with the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Division and has a publicly available safety plan. As part of our commitment to providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, in October 2021, we provided a memorable and experiential training session in a real laboratory environment. Safety leaders from CHE research labs learned and practiced a wide range of safety related topics including hazard identification, risk assessment, chemical and biological spill clean-up, chemical fume hood use, chemical segregation, waste disposal, and familiarization of the SafetyStratus online system. The training sessions are expected to expand in the near future to serve more students and researchers.
Thank you
This newsletter is made possible through the generous support of the TTU Department
of Chemical Engineering's External Advisory Board.
P.O. Box 43121, Lubbock, TX 79409−3121 | 806.742.3553
webmaster.coe@ttu.edu | Facebook: | Instagram: | LinkedIn alumni group:
Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering
100 Engineering Center Box 43103 Lubbock, Texas 79409-3103 -
806.742.3451 -