Student Wellness
Phone number: 806-742-2848
Provides students with Integrated Mental Health Care
Located on the 1st Floor in the Student Wellness Center, 1003 Flint Ave.
Phone Number: 806-743-2848
Student Counseling Center (located on 2nd Floor of Student Wellness Center, RM201)
The Student Counseling Center offers a safe community of mental health care to help Texas Tech students navigate life challenges, resolve psychological distress, and develop a life-long orientation toward resilience and mental wellness.
Provides Walk in hours Monday - Friday 12:30pm to 3:30 pm
Psychology Clinic (located in Psychological Sciences Bldg)
Provides low- cost counseling services for those in need. Call 806-742-3737 to schedule an appointment.
Marriage & Family Therapy Clinic
Provides therapy for a wide range of issues from Depression to single parent families. Fees are on a sliding scale and insurance is not accepted at this time.
Call 806-742-3774 to schedule an appointment
Here are some self care resources for students:
Mind Spa (Appointment required)
The TTU Recreational Center provides students with a wide range of activities from Swimming to Fit/Well programs. Stop by today!!
Therapy Assistance Online
Self-Help Resource available for you now!! Start using TAO Connect today!! TAO Connect
Office of the Dean of Students
Suite 203, Student Union Building -
806.742.2984 -