Texas Tech University

Talk with People Important to You

Be sure to keep your parents, guardians, mentors, family members, and trusted friends up-to-date on your study abroad decisions. They will be impacted!

People close to you will want general information about your study abroad process as well as information specific to your selected program (housing, health insurance, the host city and local culture, courses you plan to take, etc.). Talk with loved ones about how you're preparing for your experience abroad! Here are some examples:

  • Share what you learn during pre-departure orientation about safety and security
  • Fill them in on what you learn during advising appointments about applications and deadlines
  • Ask them to quiz you on facts about your host country to test knowledge you are gaining from independent research and readings

And, of course, share contact information before you leave. You will want your loved ones to know how to get in touch with the TTU Study Abroad office in the event of an emergency.

The TTU Study Abroad staff will provide a lot of information before, during, and after your study abroad experience. Sharing this information with the important people in your life will help them to better understand and support your decision to study abroad. Open communication with those close to you is a great way to prepare for a successful, positive, and rewarding international experience.