Frequently Asked Questions
Can we reimburse employee moving expenses on State funds (11, 12, 13, 14)?
State funds cannot be used to reimburse the moving expenses for a prospective employee. For an explanation of the limited instances when a current employee could be eligible for reimbursement, see eXpendit at
Can advance payments be made on State funds (11, 12, 13, 14)?
For State Funds in the 11, 12, or 14 range: According to eXpendit ( page=adv_payments), a State agency may not pay for goods or services before their delivery to the agency, unless the advance payment is necessary and serves a proper public purpose. For specific questions regarding this matter, please contact Procurement Services. For 13 Funds – According to Texas Education Code Section 62.021 ( advance payments are not allowed except for the payment of principal or interest on bonds or notes or for a payment for a book or other published library material as authorized by Section 2155.386 Government Code.
Can I travel to a conference and use 14 Funds?
14 Funds can only be used for expenses directly related to research so travel to attend a conference is not allowable, unless presenting research findings.
Can I travel out of the United States using a state FOP?
According to TTU Operating Policy 79.05 International Travel, state appropriated funds (11, 12, 13, and 14) are not allowed for international travel expenditures.
Can I rent equipment with HEAF funds?
HEAF is for equipment purchases only. Please see HEAF purchasing guidance: for allowable HEAF purchases.
Can I purchase software with HEAF funds?
Software purchased are allowed as well as cloud computing purchases if the contract is for a period more than one year.
Can I pay for salaries, office supplies or travel on HEAF (13 funds)?
No, you cannot pay for salaries, travel or consumables on HEAF funds. The HEAF appropriation is for major capital expenses, including land acquisition, constructing buildings, acquisition of capital library books and capital equipment. For HEAF purposes, capital equipment is defined as having a useful life on more than one year. Here is a link to acceptable HEAF purchases:
Can I use 11A or 12A graduate tuition for non-salary expenses?
No. 11A and 12A funds can only be used for salaries to maximize state state funded benefits.
Can I transfer prior year salaries onto an 11 or 12 fund?
Payroll transactions will not be allowed to be moved on or off of an 11 or 12 fund after the end of a year due to the way state benefits are paid. There is no exceptions to this rule. You may be able transfer salaries between two 11, two 12 or an 11 and 12 fund in subsequent years.
Can I use state funds for graduate tuition?
According to TTU OP 62.40 Graduate Tuition and Fee Waivers, to be eligible, the student must meet certain criteria. The appointment must be made before the 12th class day for fall/spring and the 4th class day for summer and the ePAF must be completed on or before the 20th class day for fall/spring and the 15th class day for summer.
Can I transfer funds from a state fund class to a non-state fund class?
No. State funds cannot transfer to non-state fund classes
Due to spending restrictions on my state FOP, can I swap budget with a non-state FOP where the restriction does not apply?
With the funding departments approval, budget can be transferred back to that department and then they can grant the same budget amount in another fund class where the expenses would not be restricted. Please work with your department to find an alternative funding source.
How do I transfer funds that are not allowed in BRS?
When a FOP/Fund is not allowed in BRS, a manual transfer by Accounting Services must be entered. Please see the Fund Transfer Request Form on our website. Once the form is filled out, submit it to for processing
Why is my FOP balance not available?
Once new FY budgets are released and the FY roll has been completed, you will need to set up budgets for your FOP by budget pool.
I need to submit a labor redistribution, where is the form? Who can I contact if I have questions on LRs that are to/from/or among a sponsored project?
The labor redistribution (LR) form is located on the budget office website under forms.
Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
Can I cost transfer travel expenses from a non-state FOP to a state (fund range 11-14) FOP?
No, travel expenses cannot be moved from a non-state FOP to a state FOP unless the State of Texas travel card has been used. Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Section 20.413 requires a state travel credit card to be used for all travel expenditures when using state appropriated funding. Paying for travel with non-state funds and then moving them to a state FOP does not negate the fact that the state travel card should have been used for travel to have been done on state funds.$ext.TacPage?sl=R& app=9& p_dir=& p_rloc=& p_tloc=& p_ploc=& pg=1& p_tac=& ti=34& pt=1& ch=20& rl=413
Can I do a cost transfer for prior year expenses?
A cost transfer for prior year expenses typically are not allowed except on multi-year funds. The expenses will be charged/credited in current year.
What would be considered an extenuating circumstance for a cost transfer/labor redistribution over 90 days?
TTU OP 65.04 outlines extenuating circumstances. OP65.04.pdf Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985 The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
Can I cross transfer to my sponsored project?
Allowable cost transfers:
- To correct clerical and data entry errors or other errors identified during monthly review of grant ledgers
- A reallocation of salary costs to reflect actual expended effort
- Removal of unallowable expenses
- Transfer of expenses from non‐sponsored accounts used prior to the execution and setup of the award (the use of advanced accounts is preferred, refer to OP 65.10, Budgeting Sponsored Projects Prior to Receipt of Award)
- To clear charges on overspent sponsored projects to non‐sponsored accounts.
Cost transfers that may be allowable:
- To reallocate expenses where multiple projects benefit and a reasonable allocation was not possible until a later date;
- To transfer charges from a departmental source pending identification of the sponsored project to which it should be charged;
- When subsequent information indicates the initial charge was incorrect; or To transfer expenses on a continuing project from the prior year FOP to the current FOP, provided there are no agency restrictions for such action. Unallowable Cost Transfers
- To utilize unexpended funds on a sponsored project
- Transfers between sponsored projects to avoid or eliminate cost overruns
- For other cost management strategies
- To circumvent award terms and conditions
- For matters of convenience
How does a department transfer an asset to another department?
The transfer of an asset to another department must be processed in the Property Inventory System located See the Property Inventory System Help guide instruction videos for the step-by-step procedures. Property Inventory System - Property Transfers Training Video
How does a department transfer asset(s) to TTU or TTUS from another university?
If an item is transferred from another Texas institution or Texas agency, the department receiving the asset must submit an Inter-Agency Property Transfer Request (Attachment F) to so that the item can be added to the Fixed Asset System. OP63.08F.pdf
What is the process to transfer equipment to another university?
Transfers to another university or agency in Texas steps:
- Begin by obtaining the approvals:
- Federal funded assets (21Funds) agency disposition contract if applicable
- Department Dean and Chair
- Vice President of Research Services Office
- Property Management and Surplus approval
The approvals should be included as signatures on the Request to Transfer Property to another Institution(outgoing) form Attachment I on OP 63.08. If payment is required Property Management will process invoicing and will record the revenue or sales tax if applicable.
For transfers request to out of state or private institutions the transfer will be handled as a sale of assets unless a federal grant that purchased the equipment is moving to the other institution.
What is the process if a department wants to sell an asset?
1. Before an asset can be sold listed approvals must be obtained:
- Federal funded assets (21Funds) agency disposition approval
- Department Dean and Chair
- Vice President of Research Services Office
- Property Management and Surplus approval and revies to determin pricing before the sale.
2. Send a list of the assets to be sold to the Property Manager. The Property Manager will provide the current netbook value of the assets and will provide guidance on amounts to be requested as well the final steps to complete the sell. **Computers and laptops are not allowed to be sold.**
Property Management will process the invoicing and recording of the sale revenue and sales tax if applicable.
How can I get the property asset tags for new assets?
Property asset tags are processed by Property Management once the asset tag sheet has been received. The initiation begins when the purchase is received in Techbuy and once the payment has been issued. The department custodian or delegate should receive the tags within the week. (If the asset is NOT marked as received the tags will not be mailed.). If a tag has not bee not been received verify that the correct account codes was used and that all the listed items above are complete. Email for further assistance.
What expense account codes should be used for assets?
Please see FI067 in COGNOS for the appropriate account codes or utilize the DMFR Account Code Description application. If further assistance is needed contact Most commonly used expense codes that initiate tags:
- 7C0190 MS Furnishings/Equipment Controlled $500-$4999
- 7C0191 MS F/E Unmanned Aircraft Controlled $500-$4999
- 7C0200 MS Computer Equip Control Above $500
- 7J0020 CO Furnishings/Equip - Above $5000
- 7J0030 CO Computer Equipment - Above $5000
- 7J0090 CO Telecomm Equipment Capital
- 7J0040 CO Animals Capital
- 7J0100 CO Art Capital-Inexhaustible art
- 7J0050 CO Computer Software $100K > Capital
- 7J0070 CO Internal Dev Comp Software > $1M
- 7J0001 CO Passenger Cars Capital
- 7J0010 CO Other Motor Vehicles Capital
- 7J0021 CO F/E Unmanned Aircraft-Above $5000
- 7J0080 CO Books and Ref Materials Capital
We found a tagged asset, but it is not in the PIS.
Contact for assistance.
How to get a replacement Asset tag?
Send an email to with the asset number to obtain a replacement asset tag.
An asset on the inventory list cannot be found, what do we do?
"Missing assets should be reported on the Missing Property form in the Removal/Change
Status section of the PIS. Assets reported missing will remain in inventory for 2
years before they are removed. Assets do not have to be reported missing again within
this time, departments can see the asset is already reported under the status column
on the inventory list.
- Check the radio button next to the asset in the Torf/Rem column on the Inventory, Edit, Transfer and Remove page. Multiple assets can be selected.
- Click the Remove/Change Status button.
- In the popup window under Type, select Missing Property and include details on why the property is being reported missing and the efforts made to locate it.
- Check was or was not in the Negligence Statement, check the box next to the certification statement at the bottom and click Electronically Sign and Submit.
- The form will be routed to the department custodian/delegates for approval. Once they click approve it will route to Property Management for processing.
Asset was previously reported missing but has been found. How do we remove from missing?
Assets previously reported missing but are located should be updated by submitting the Missing Property Return form in the Removal/Change Status section of the PIS.
How is a stolen asset reported?
Stolen assets must be reported to Property Management immediately by submitting the Stolen Asset form under the Removal/Change Status in the Property Inventory System. The step by step procedures are available in the Property Inventory System Guide.
Why was the department selected for a physical property review?
The university requires physical inventories to be processed for all departments. University departments are required to certify inventories annually. In addition, Property Management must process physical reviews to verify department inventories are compliant to State and University requirements. University inventory reviews are set on a 5 year cycle. Department delegates and custodians will be contacted when the reviews are scheduled.
When is the annual certification of inventory due?
Certifications for all inventory at TTU/TTUS are due by June 30th of each fiscal year. The Property Custodian or the Property Delegate may submit and approve the certification. Certifications may begin starting in October of each fiscal year.
How is a departments Property Inventory Custodian Updated?
Instructions are available in the Assigning Property Custodians and Delegates document. Property Management must be notified of any custodian updates. The custodian should be of director level or higher. The employment level will be verified, then updated in the Property Inventory System. Email for custodian changes.
How is a department's property inventory delegate(s) updated?
Custodians may assign property management responsibilities to another employee as a delegate in the Property Inventory System. Custodians can view, remove and add delegates using instructions available in the Assigning Property Custodians and Delegates document
How many delegates are allowed on a department's inventory access?
There is no limit on the number delegates that may be added. The limitation is only on the custodian. Only one custodian is allowed per department within the PIS.
Delegate was added in the Property Inventory System, but they cannot view the inventory.
If a staff or faculty member is assigned as a delegate and they cannot view the inventory, then their hiring organization code was not under the department level that inventory is on. Send an email to for assistance. Property Management will provide multiple department user access that will allow them to view and process transactions in the system. Please provide their name and R#.
There are multiple organization codes under our department, and we have them split between multiple custodians/delegates? Who certifies?
In the Property Inventory System, there can only be one custodian per department. Departments that request custodians at the organization level must assign one custodian and other custodians can be listed as delegates. For these situations, the department needs to communicate to delegates which organization codes they are responsible for. Delegates will receive email notifications for all the organization codes under the department and it is their responsibility to approve and certify inventories only for the organizations assigned by their department. Property Management will not monitor this. Because of this systems limitation, Property Management recommends limiting the use of this set up
A department organization code is not showing in the PIS, what do we do?
If an asset has been purchased on a new organization code or a new one has been established the first asset must be assigned by Property Management to activate the organization code in the PIS. Email for assistance.
Who is allowed to complete the certification?
Reference the Property System Help Guide or Assigning Property Custodians and Delegates Custodians may assign property management responsibilities to another employee as a delegate in the Property Inventory System. As of fiscal year 2022, delegates can complete all inventory transactions including the final approval of annual certifications. Custodians can follow directions within the Assigning Property Custodians and Delegates document to view, remove and add delegates.
Can certifications for inventory be completed if there are pending transfers in the PIS?
Pending transfers that are in the PIS to another department, other than Surplus C20061, must be cleared prior to certification. Due to the backlog of surplus pickups during certification time Property Management will verify that the transactions pending are for Surplus only. All other transfers will need to be completed.
Location or serial numbers are not updated by department can they be certified?
Asset locations and serial number should be added to the Property Inventory System at the time of receiving the asset tags. Certifications will not be allowed with missing data. Certifications submitted with the missing information will be rejected by Property Management for correction. Once the update is made the certification may be resubmitted and approved by the Custodian or Delegate. The recertification must be completed by June 30th
Is there an extension for certifications past June 30?
There are no extensions for certifications past June 30. Departments are able to certify any time during the year starting in October. Please do not wait until June. Staff being on vacation or away from campus is not an acceptable reason to not complete the certification. The Property Inventory System can be accessed anywhere there is web access and can be done from a phone or home computer.
We are short-staffed and need help. From whom can we get help?
If a department needs assistance during certifications notify Property Management and we can send staff members to assist you.
Why was my property inventory certification rejected?
"Property Management will reject certifications when it is not compliant with required steps. Step by step instructions, training videos and a certification checklist are available on the Property Management website.
- 1. Verification and update of asset not complete- missing serial number and locations
- 2. Pending transfers in the PIS were not completed (excluding Surplus C20061)
- 3. The incorrect Custodian or Delegate submitted and approved the certificatin"
What happens if a department do not certify inventories?
Property Management allows the certifications to be processed anytime throughout the year beginning in October through the deadline June 30. If inventory is not certified on time the department may be reported to Accounting Services upper management to make the determination if escalation to the universitys CFO & Sr VP Ad/Fin, SVP Administration and Finance is warranted. The department will also be included in mandatory physical inventory reviews in the new fiscal year.
How does a department obtain a depreciation FOP for vehicles?
Depreciation is processed in Accounting Services monthly on all depreciable assets. A depreciation FOP is not necessary in departments
How does a department send assets to Surplus?
Refer to for instructions.
An asset was sent to Surplus years ago but is still on inventory, can it be removed?
"According to state regulations proper documentation must be on file to remove assets from inventory. If the department has a signed form or an email showing the assets was picked up, provide that to Property Management at for further assistance. If documentation is not available, the asset must be reported as missing in the Property Inventory system.
For new buildings when will the room numbers be available?
Room numbers will be available once the building floor plans have been established and the building is reported as substantially complete. Email for any questions.
How is a room or building location added to the Property Inventory System
Building and room locations may be added by sending a request to Include the building name and room numbers needed.
Why is my Gateway document not loading?
There could be many reasons why Gateway rejected an upload. To find out, go to ePrint under the repository for your System ID and open the document to view the error messages. If you are still unsure, send your ePrint document and the Excel template to and we will help you troubleshoot.
How do I enter an IV in FiTS?
Go to Create IV, select the System ID, enter the FOAP to receive revenue, enter the FOAP to bill, upload the required documentation, select Submit.
What happens when a gateway gets processed twice?
If a Gateway has been uploaded twice, then the department will need to do a reversal. To process a reversal, you will upload another Gateway document but with the lines reversed.
How do I get access to FiTS?
All users have access to FiTS to process cost transfers and revenue JVs. IVs need to be requested and approved by the departments director, dean or financial manager and then submitted to
How do I get Gateway access and what is needed?
Gateway access is granted by email request to with a supervisors approval. NEW, CHANGE, OR CLOSE FUND/FOP
How do I close a FOP?
Prior to closing a FOP, the budgets and encumbrances need to be removed from the FOP. Once those are completed, you can send the request to close the FOP to
How do I close a fund?
Prior to closing a fund, the budgets, encumbrances, and fund balance needs to be cleared. Once that is completed, you can send the request to close the fund to .
Which account code should I use?
Please see the FI067 in Cognos for the appropriate account codes.
What needs to be done to move the activity when processing a Change FOP request in the New FOP System?
Once the request is made and approved in Finance New FOP departments need to be notified to make the transfers:
- Accounting Services – Revenue and Expenses
- Procurement – POs or Encumbrances
- Financial Services – Exemptions
- Travel – Travel Expenses
- Budget – Budget and Payroll
Who can request a New Orgn
For PI Orgns (tied to 21,22,23 funds), Accounting Services will set it up and PI will be notified from New FOP. All other Orgns will be created by the department.
Who do I contact to assist with certifying my effort?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
Where do I access and certify effort statements?
The eCRT system is utilized by Texas Tech University to report effort. eCRT is available in Raiderlink under the Research Administration Tab or you can access it here at this link: If you are having difficulties accessing your eCRT homepage, please reach out to Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985 and the Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
How do I access the eCRT system?
eCRT is available in Raiderlink under the Research Administration Tab or you can access it here at this link: Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
What is effort reporting and certification, and why am I required to certify an effort report?
Effort reporting is required by the federal government and University policy, since Texas Tech University receives federal, state, and private funds to be used for sponsored research. Please note that effort reporting applies only to those faculty and staff who are involved in sponsored/externally funded research (i.e. those who charge or cost share part of their salary to sponsors). An effort report serves as an after‐the‐fact confirmation that the assignment of time and associated salary and fringe benefit costs to individual sponsored projects is fair, consistent, and timely. Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985; for more information, view TTU OP 65.02; OP65.02.pdf.
I will be leaving the University before the next effort period and need to certify effort before I leave. Who do I contact?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
My effort report is in “Effort Statement Building” Status, how do I Certify?
You are not able to Certify a statement in “Effort Statement Building” Status, if you received an email to certify for others working on your project select their name in your queue and you will see the Green Certify button at the bottom of the statement. All Certifiable statements will be in “Not Certified, Not Processed” Status. Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
Who can certify an effort statement?
Per TTU OP 65.02 all Faculty and PIs will certify their own effort statements in eCRT. PIs will also certify for the researchers who work on their grants. If an individual or PI is not available to certify the effort report, an individual having direct knowledge of the employees total effort, or suitable means of verification that the work was performed, may certify under certain circumstances, with approval from Accounting Services-Research. Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process. OP65.02.pdf
When do I have to certify effort?
At TTU, effort is certified on a semi-annual basis in July and January. Certification for work performed from January to June begins on July 16th. Certification for work performed from July to December begins on January 16th. Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
What is “100% effort”?
For purposes of proposing and certifying effort, TTU faculty and staff should consider “100% effort” to be the total time spent conducting professional activities for which the individual is compensated by TTU (i.e., University effort), irrespective of the normal work schedules. This includes worked performed outside of the '8 to 5' work schedule, work performed on vacation, off‐hours and on or off campus. Effort does not include work performed outside of the normal workday (whether that is a ‘8 to 5 day or something else).
I will be leaving the University before the next effort period and need to certify effort before I leave. Who do I contact?
As effort certification is an after-the-fact confirmation, effort will need be certified and fortunately Accounting Services-Research has a couple of ways of making this an easy process. Please contact us at or 806.742.2985 to let us know you will no longer be at TTU so that we can set up how we will get effort certified.
What does the effort coordinator do? Does he/she certify the effort, too?
The Effort Coordinator is a key resource to the faculty and the department in the effort reporting process. Effort Coordinators assist PIs with ensuring payroll is correct and submitting labor redistributions to the budget office if necessary. Effort coordinators will also need to process effort statements once they have been certified if the statement was certified differently from what was in the system.
Can the effort coordinator certify the effort in my place?
The Effort Coordinator assists in the processing of effort reporting and can be a key resource to faculty and the department by submitting labor redistributions to the budget office and ensuring payroll is correct, if necessary. During the Effort Certification, effort coordinators will process effort statements that have been changed during certification. As they process effort statements, they are not able to certify effort.
My effort report is in “Effort Statement Building” Status, how do I Certify?
You are not able to Certify a statement in “Effort Statement Building” Status. If you received an email to certify for others working on your project, select their name in your queue, review their effort statement, and you will see the Green Certify button at the bottom of the statement. All Certifiable statements will be in “Not Certified, Not Processed” Status. If you are receiving emails regarding effort certification and dont have any pending effort statements, please let us know at or 806.742.2985.
My total effort does not equal 100%, what do I do?
The eCRT system will allow you to certify between 99-101%, due to rounding. If your effort statement is outside of this allowable range, please reach out to Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985 for assistance.
I, or someone I am certifying for, was not employed by TTU for the complete 6 months, why is their effort at 100%?
Whether an individual worked 2 months, 5 months, or the complete 6-month period; effort will always equal 100% regardless of the amount of time the individual was employed at TTU during the effort period.
The effort statement is incorrect, what do I do?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research, or your departmental business administrator for assistance.
There is someone in my queue, but they were supervised by ___. What should I do?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research, or your departmental business administrator for assistance.
Where can I find more information about certifying effort?
You can find more information about Effort at TTU Operating Policy 65.02. If you have any additional questions or need any assistance, please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
Who do I contact if I have questions about EOPS- ADC/LSP payment on sponsored projects?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Compliance Coordinator will be happy to assist you with this process.
I received a question about a subaward payment. Who do I contact?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Research Administrator or Cash Management Specialist will be happy to assist you with this.
I received notification from my sponsoring agency that they will be conducting an audit. Who do I contact?
Please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985 to facilitate the audit process.
What reports should I run to monitor my budgets?
You can utilize the “Available Budget” tab on Raiderlink by following these instructions. You can also run the Cognos report “FI071 – Multi Year Funds Budget & Actual by Account Pool”. If you have additional questions, please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Research Administrator will be happy to assist you with this.
I have a graduate student who is working on two research projects. Can I charge their salary to one project and their tuition to the other?
No, tuition needs to directly correspond to the effort on the project; the students appointment should be set up to reflect their effort, and the tuition benefit charged in the same percentage.
Can I use unspent funds from one line item in my budget to pay for expenses in another line item?
This varies between sponsors. The Sponsored Project Setup Form you received when the award was set up should provide information (see Money Move Restrictions). Some sponsors have no restrictions, some allow revisions up to a certain dollar amount, and some dont allow any revisions without sponsor approval. If you have additional questions, please contact Accounting Services-Research at or 806.742.2985. The Research Administrator will be happy to assist you in determining what revisions you can make.
I used some supplies I had on hand at the beginning of my project because I wanted to save project funds in case they were needed for other purchases. I am reaching the end date of my award and have unspent funds. Can I use them to replenish the supplies I used at the beginning?
This practice is not allowed on state or federal funds, so any costs incurred would need to directly link to purchases made for the project. On other sponsored funds, you should have documentation to show that items being replenished have the same or similar price to the items used for the project.
Accounting Services
TTU Plaza Building, 1901 University, Suite 308, Lubbock, TX 79411 -
806.742.2985 | Fax: 806.742.8076 -