Texas Tech University

Bayer Plant Science Building

Bayer Plant Science Building

The Texas Tech University System Board of Regents in December 2013 approved a $13.6 million project to design and construct a new Plant & Soil Science Building and renovate the existing Plant Sciences Building. Eric Hequet, chairman of Tech's Department of Plant and Soil Science, said the new Bayer Plant Science Building project adds 21,122 square feet of new construction, and includes 2,440 square feet of renovation and exterior upgrades to the existing home of the university's Department of Plant and Soil Science. The building project is funded by donations to Texas Tech, including lead contributions from Bayer CropScience. The Department of Plant & Soil Science was formerly housed in the existing PSS, Food Technology and Agricultural Sciences buildings. Teaching and research labs, along with faculty and graduate students, that were located in other buildings have been relocated to the new wing. Additionally, departmental administration offices have been relocated to the new wing.



Eric Hequet
Department Chair
Department of Plant & Soil Science
Texas Tech University
(806) 742-2838