June 09, 2014
The Dan and Linda Taylor Endowed Scholarship was established by Dan and Linda Taylor in 1993. The scholarship is awarded to entering freshman majoring in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and designated as a Dean's Scholar Gold or Silver Award recipient.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
June 09, 2014
The Texas Corn Producers Board Government Internship Endowed Scholarship was established by the Texas Corn Producers Board in 2008. Funds are to be used for scholarships for students participating in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources' Government Internship program.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
June 09, 2014
The Texas Cotton Boll License Plate Scholarship was established by Texas Cotton Producers, Inc. in 2008. The scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and majoring in Plant and Coil Science or Agricultural and Applied Economics. Recipients will have a classification of a sophomore level or higher, show a financial need, and have a shown considerable interest in agricultural production, processing or marketing.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
June 09, 2014
The Texas Cotton Ginners Association Scholarship was established they Texas Cotton Ginners Association in 2000. The scholarship is awarded to students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who have an interest and/or background in cotton.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter