February 23, 2016
Morrison Family Endowed Scholarship in Livestock Judging
Established in 2007 by Frances Morrison to provide scholarships to members of the Livestock Judging Team who demonstrate an attitude of servant leadership.
February 23, 2016
Established in 2007 by Frances Morrison to provide scholarships to members of the Livestock Judging Team who demonstrate an attitude of servant leadership.
February 23, 2016
Established in 1961 by Mrs. Ray C. Mowery and former students of Ray C. Mowery to provide financial assistance to deserving junior Animal Husbandry majors.
February 23, 2016
Established in 1993 by Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show to provide scholarships in Agricultural Economics and Animal Science.
February 23, 2016
Established in 1992 by the Nutrition Service Associates to fund scholarships for students that have a strong interest in ruminant nutrition and/or feedlot management. The students must be a junior with at least two full semesters remaining before graduation.