Texas Tech University

Ben Rogerson

Rogerson specializes in Hollywood cinema and post-1945 American literature, with a focus on how social, political, and economic conditions shape aesthetic production. His teaching has included courses on film analysis, the history of film, New Hollywood cinema, and the political economy of U.S. literature. His current research projects include a study of 1970s Hollywood cinema as a self-reflexive endeavor to reconstruct the social legitimacy of film as a profession, as well as a study of the widespread political miscalculation made by midcentury artists who mistook conformity as the central dilemma of American capitalism.

Ph.D. University of North Carolina


"'Nobody Knows Anything': Professionalism and Publics in The Great Waldo Pepper," has been published in the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, 58.2 (Winter 2019), 91–114.

"Going 'wicked & away': Writing Dream Songs in the Age of Fellowships." Journal of Modern Literature 39.3 (Spring 2016): 22-40.

"Wilder's 'Mensch': United Artists and the Critique of Fordism." Arizona Quarterly 70.1 (Spring 2014): 53-80.


“It's the Pictures That Got Small”: Charles Brackett on Billy Wilder and the Golden Age of Hollywood, edited by Anthony Slide. The Cine-Files: a Scholarly Journal of Cinema Studies. Web. Nov 2015. 

A Political Companion to Saul Bellow, edited by Gloria Cronin and Lee Trepanier. boundary 2. Web. 20 Feb 2014. 

A Philosophy of Fear, by Lars Svendsen. Review co-authored with Gregory Flaxman. symplokē 18.1-2 (2010): 333-336.


Associate Professor of Practice
English & Literature

Email: ben.rogerson@ttu.edu