Texas Tech University

Search for courses using OER

Students at Texas Tech University can now search for courses that are using low to no cost textbooks when they are browsing for classes to take during registration! These low to no cost textbooks can include open educational resources (OER), open access materials, or materials found within TTU Libraries' databases and collections.

Texas Senate Bill 810

This bill, passed in 2018, states that all public institutions of higher education in the state of Texas will put together a list of required course materials, including OER, in a course schedule every semester and post that list within the institution's website. Here at Texas Tech, course schedules are in RaiderLink. This bill also states that institutions should provide a way for students to search for classes using OER within the course schedule.

You can read the exact wording of the entirety of TX SB 810 at this link.

Search in RaiderLink

Step 1: Go to RaiderLink Registration Home Page. Select "Browse Classes"

Screenshot of Student Registration Home page

Step 2: Select Term you want to search

Select term screen shot

Step 3: Click on "Advanced Search"

screen shot of advanced search

Step 4: Scroll until you see the "Attribute" line

screen shot of attribute line

Step 5: Select "Low to No Cost Textbook" from the drop-down

select low to no cost textbook attribute

Step 6: Browse through results list

browse result list screen shot




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Sabrina Davis, MLS
OER Librarian