Examples of Course Reserves
Course materials on reserve can be anything that supports your teaching! Instructors choose loan periods and parameters that suit their teaching needs.
Physical items might include:
- Any book owned by Texas Tech, including eBooks.
- Instructor-owned copies of class resources. [Returned at the end of the term.]
- Media pertaining such as DVDs or CDs.
- Graphic novels.
- Music scores, etude collections, or method books.
- Video game cartridges.
- Physical resources like robotics kits, flashcard sets, or 3D printed models for study.
Electronic items might include:
- Open educational resources [OER]
- Streaming audio and video when available.
- Data sets and collections.
- Research guides.
- Writing guides.
- Any item that might be included in a Course Pack.
- Articles that you might have scanned yourself in the past. [Let us scan for you!]
- Articles available through our databases, freely online, or from interlibrary loan.
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University Libraries
2802 18th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-2265 -